Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

9 .4.p. I meanes atisd that is by:making themfeluespopular inpra&ife of fomeplaufible,finnes-, yeeldinglibertyfoTalllicentious courfeS to them that liut tnder them ;Mt procluing impunitie todifordred perlons. So that whereas God in his word here faith,he that feeketh good fhaWget fauour,theyin their deeds fay,he fhall get 6.4cOrthat xgrcifeth euill.: . L. For the otherpartofthisiverfeilookethe,.(e,uenticenthiterfe, . .-.5 44 Verfe 28. Hethat toilleth inhid riches, ii2All fail: kit the righteousfhallflorifh at4branch. , FI thit fehrep9reth-vpotthisweáitht thatfor foue,:ancl defiircitbùweìswi11ig; ebrifi4nçctheréof he isbold to 'fin'agáinft God; hoWhielthopetkitwill keep hini from trOubles,orridhimout :oftroubles, or.anywayzonferre hap? ineffe to lairnAhis'rnattalailltirellybe broughtxtlfe*te,and ,falliiamikhiegiArtcl fobyithefarnedkoportiOn,fhai al thore whichirriaro rite/1;6rto:WitAntocaiirothercreatdre. On the other idd.;MR:iii!nrardallort thisinefiding hand;they arewell plantet4heyina fruitfull-grounti by: th,eriuers ofWater, theyhaue theLord lefus Chrift for theirroot, theyhaueGOD the Father twdrkffexindkeepethern, and therefore theyfhall ftractiifh s '4UbratTcha.ii hichgrowethandhath green leaues .The drbught of-adueifitirAlai!, not hurt them, dewes ofwhof.- fotne profperity ihall not faile them.The;fhall haue fafetie for theirbodies,graces for their foules,comp etency for theirflate, andall:good furtherances Ifor their euer lafling glorie. Thus fkandeth-iihe oppOfirion.The,Wicked trufldn:lheir riches, And they fhallfall likezbiten boughes:;) imb-the righteous trufl in theLora,' andthey (hall growlike flourifhing branches. O. Though theltayes ,i3frnanywickedmen feem to be thearon. ger,yet the flates ofall goalie menprooue tobe furer. '2 Iflafety confiftectidwealth, andhappineffe in height, we could not but Yeeliithat diuers finfuilperfons weregrounded in greatfafety'&bappines :for they,haue the worldat wil and are moüte ptqeininrplaces,An4 ifperil! did alwaies acc6- pany