panypouetty, and tntfery likewire a nicane condition, who could deny, but that the molt of the belt men, (horrid euer be found in the worn cale,and ofall others themot} rnife,able? for that they are commonlypooreand bale in the vvmldiBut ifGod in his íuil judgements doe lift vp his enemies hie, to call theta downe thelower;and iEhis feruants take rooting low, that they may grow vp the hier, then let the wicked takeheed oáa down- faíl,and then let the rightcousnot doubt of a rifing. The thirty feuen and feuenty third Plalmcs, are treati(ès wholly vpon this argument,befides many other texts ofScripture.And this come meth to paífe toboth fides. Fi; lf,in regard of tl;e different, and contrary choife which they haue made ofhelpers to themrelues, Reafont What doe finfull perfons and wicked men take to be theyr flaues to 'canevpon,and that with thcyr whole weight ? Euen flefhly fupports, as goods and riches,which are !lender reedes, that will breake, and run into their hands and (boulders, and lay them fiat on the ground.Thefe they build vpon as a founda- tion moil firme and f{ able, thefè they depend vpon as friends moil lureandfaìthfull:thefe they trull vetoas holds mot{ (Èrong andmighty. And yet is there any thing more vncertaine,morc deceitfull,rnore weakc and feeble then there are ? They be fugi- tiuc and away theygo, when they fhould flicke to a man : they be falleand performs nothing that they promile. They fay,giue vs your heart,efpeciallywhen we increale,we haue power to doe you all good.But Darold faith, Ifriches increafe, fet notyour heart Pfa1.6z,i thereon,Godfpakeonce,trvice halve 1 heard it,that power belógethony to God,Therewas neuer any papi(l,or hethêman more dcceiued in dumb Idols, then worldlings be in the hope oftheirmoony and %ubfiance. The Images haue as much fence to heart, and fpeake,and deale for themwhich pray to them,as gold and filuer andother creatures haueabilityìn themfclues to helpe them,that make them their gods:andmany more are illuded by thefe,then by the others.Andwhom doe the godlymake their refuge ? In whom istheirhope fixed?in Godornnipotent,eternall,endles in mercy, wifedome, and truth, whole good prouidence loth ne- uer fade them in life : whole gracious favour dothnot forfake them at death : And that one word may comprehend all,and o that