that is infinitely much;and more then heauen & earth can corn- prehend,he is God eueryway for thern,al-fuf*ìcient. Secondly,in regardof their bchauicr towards the Lord. The wicked commit an execrable facriledge &,fpiritualltreafon,they cat}} offthat loyalty that isdue only to him,& yeeld it to the ab- lec`l andcontemptible creatures:for fo may they be called when they are thatched as equals, or preferred as fuperiours to their ì7.s. Creator. And this is done n all vaine confdence,as it was fpoken of trufl to flefh &bloud,fo toall of that kind : Curfedbe themart that t ruftet h in man,and mabethBeth birarme, andwithdrawethhi,. heart from the Lord. Confidence is a prerogatiue and royalty, that the Lord neuer cianniunicatet h to any,bpóany conditions: He fo calleth for loue to himfelfe, that men alfò fhould be_loued for his fake,and fear edand rcioyccd at,and the like is inother a fedions : bût to trot} in any betideshim, is asmuch as in vs is,to fet the imperiali diademofheauenand earth vpon their heads, Now the godly relyingaltogether vpon his fidelity and power,. yeeld himhomage,and declare themfeluesto be his loyall,fairh_ fuli,andobedicntfubieds,and performamoll acceptable feruice unto him. ,I Inflrudion,to be fomuch more indutìrious forrighteoufn- than riches, by howmuch it is better tobe a liuing tree, than a dead flocke: ànd to (}and fail in the {lateofall good happineife, than to fall into finne,and fliame,and ruáfery,and defhudion.So muchgnodnesasany man hath,fò muchhehash offaith, fo.far he fheweth the Cappe and vertue.òf his t oote :Co certaineand af- fu red he may be ofperpetuall firrnnetle and liability And locke what meafureofvaine confidence is in euery one, In much lin- fulnes is inhitìi(ànd therefore thecontrariety is fet.between fuch as truf} in their riches, and the righteous;' becaufe he that hath affiance in his'wealth,mutl needs be euil;and he that is righteous mull needs troll in God)andfo fure it is that Gods firokes and judgementswill purlue him,and to hisowne inhability offlan. ding,he hail haue thisaddedithat Godwill pufh at him,and call~ himdowne. Terror for couetous rdolaters,which make theirgoods their, Góds,and their greedygetting,their.deuotiona and their plenty: their t