Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

.1'?r .29. R their fffety,an_l their pallures, fields,barnes, (hops, warehoufes oreofF:rs,rheir heauen. Like foolifh mcn, they rraite upon lying IoxYah a.a j vanities,and forfake their own mercy. It is as catie for a croppcof corne to thriue vpon awan Hcath,or in the middefl of a thorny hedge,or thicket ofbuflies,as it is for grace to grow in their harts and it is ascatiefora cable ropeto (Toe through an needles Fie, aó for them to enter into the kingdome o fheaucn Aud yc t they thinke all marl 0.4. to be wcll,and their fsate to be happy:yea they prefuníe fofarre of their own (1anding,that upon confidence of their power they doubt not but toglue others the falí:they hope that their withe- red rotten flicks fhall be able to root vp and throw dovvne the niongc l Cedars that grow in die Church of God. Such a one was Doeg,that thought todoe great things againfl Dauíd, but Dauiddid after fort delle him,and bad him do his wortì,yea he derided,and told him that the wort( would be his : Why boa/14/ thos:(faith he)in thy reickedreff"e, O man ofpourer? the lo- Pfal,Sz:i rung kindneffe o,fGod endurt th daily. God ball deftroy thee for euer: &c, be (hall tame theeandplocke thee cut of thy tabernacle, androot thee out ofthe land ofthe liming. The righteous a fo(hallfee it,and fear e and (halllaugh at hi ,n,fxying,;Behold the man that tooke not Godfor hitflrengrb,but trufled t the multitude of híó riches. But IPailbe like agreene Wine tree in the boufeofGod J far 1 trufÏed in themer- cy ofGodfor crier and suer. Crnfolation to godly men,that haue receiued to their owne hearts,and Olen to other men,a tef}imony of faith and righte- oufues:tioenemywithcut,or carrc lionsWithin, fhall depriue them oftheir comfort, or ofany good Meiling that conccrneth this prefent life,or their cuerla(ting fàluation. VerCe.29. He that troubleth his ,wn hoop (bailinherit the wind, and thefade(ball be ferteant to thewife in heart. HE isCayd to trouble. his houle, which cloth mifpendhis goods,and mifgui le his affayres, and mifgouetneth his people that dWel with him.T'hat eitherdoth corrupt themwith finfulnes,or mole(( them with frowardnes,or afflia them with niifery.Whenheeither maketh them patients to beate the bur- p z then