47 .r9. I VERB s. C ap. of his folly,or agents to commit follywith him. Fite fhdll inherit the wind,that is,fhall bring all to nothing. His fubflancc (hall Flie vp like fmoak into the aire,and nothing be left to rnain- raine him onearth. And when ail his goodsare gone his liberty mull goe after. This foole fhall be feruant to the wife in heart, that is,to one who is more prouidcnt, difcreet and carefitll for his flare and hou(11old. They were wont in great u ants to fell thernfelues for feruants,as theEiyptiatas did in Iojephi time- And for greats debts to be taken by the creditors, and eithermade thfir bondmen,or elk fold to others,And oneofthefe,fairh he, . is like to be the cafe ofthis vnthrif'ry trouble- houfe. He that wouldnot vndoe himfelfe,let himnot diforderhis fa- mily and domcfticall affaires. It neerely concerneth an houfe- holder toknow,that his houle is laden withhis wholeef}ate,thar his people faile togetherwith him in the fame vcfell,for his vie. And if he will neither play the good Pilot himlelfe inhis ()wile placc,nor fuffer them to begood Mariners in thrirs,howToone (hall he runne his barkevpon the Rockes?how quickly {hall he make fhipivrackcofall that he bath? Fir1,he takes the way to bring a curievponall,byduedefert., The Lordha-th madehim a lleward,and in diuers refpec%s com- mitted a trull vnto him, which he doth vnfaithfùlly difcharge.. Hebath put his goods into his hands,to be orderly difpofed of, as may be mot} forhis glory ; and thofehe eapendeth vpon his owne lufs,and to Gods difhonour : and is it not iufl then that; they fhould be taken from him ?He bath made him an ouerfcer oftheperfons that liuevnder him,that he Mould bean example and guidevnto him in all vertuous behauiour, and hegroweth to be a diflòiutcMaflcr ofMifrule, is it not squall thatanother Mould takehis place offuperiority,& hebe madean vnderling?' Secondly eitherhis houfehold is difcouraged from diligence by his crookedperuerfencs,or elfe withdrawn from faithfulnes by learning tobe fìnfull,an both ofthefe tendone way, name° ly,to the ouerthrowofhis ef}ate. Admonition to be good gouernours ofour families, and, goodhusbands for our chates, not onely ineonfcience to obey- God forour euerlalling faluation, but in Chriflian prouidence for: