y'erfe .'2 9. R O VERBS. I 02 for our prefent condition,ifnot roget,yetto faue,as roprefcrue our goods,to ro retaine ourfreedowe. For albeit that villenage andbondage be nor now in vfe among vs, yet imprifonment is not altogetherout ofvfe. And eueryone info farre in feruathie, & in the creditorspower,a s he wantethability to pay his debts. He may wel be laid to be another mans feruant,whofe tiate and libérty cloth I}andat another mans curtefie. Terror for them that gine ouer thernklues to fuch flnnesas be not only troublefome, but trouble it felfe to their houfes. Thole weemeant whichcaufe the Gouernours to lay burthenc vpon their inferiours,and God to lay lodgements vpon theGo uernours.Wewill not make mention of many, nor infli long vpon themwhich we mention. Pride muff haue the fitti place, becaufeit is predominant and carrieth a great fwayamong the ref}.Frem it groweth contempt and difdaine, contentions, rai- lings,an_d all manner of imperious inlolency. And forrecom- pence thereof,and all the curled effeds which it produceth a.. gainf{God and man,the Lord threatneth to de/froy thehoufeof Prata,j ..y proudmen, Whooredome and incontinency alto workemuch milchiefe to families,and moli ofall to the heads themfelues. The holy Gholf in this hooke,is very frequent in this point. As thegranger fhallbcßlledviththy /lrexgth, and thy labours (hallbe Prou.S.ro, in the hosje of a flranger. And, becaufe ofthe ta'harifh avor»an a Prou.6. 6. man is brought to a morfeil of bread. And lob faith : that if hoe fhould that way hauedefiled himfelfc,it wouldhave bins fire de- Iob 31,: uouring to def1ru5lion, &,which would haue rootedoast alihis in. creafe,Gaming,riot,and vnthriftines fo apparantly Phew them- felues in thisranke,thati! Thal be needleife todifcourfe ofthem. Only Couetot:ines we will conclude with, which feemeth to be an help torainvp an houfe,'& yet vndermineth thevery foun- dations ofit. This makcth men fierce, andviolent, bittcrand cruell,lhke Beares,and Lions among their people. And this the Lord hm felfä`$iathietkoned for one ofchef: turbulent finnc s, and fo wòultf 'fs àccoun of it, flee that isgreedyofgasv ?Kou , sroubleth hip oivne hoofer bast he that katethgifts Palliate, As if he fhould fy.rfmen be not weary of this wretched greediness, it will make them inal corrupt manner to purfue their commo dities d=, 0 3, -rn. , _-.`--- _9'i