X'a R t ERB S. C yap I I dities,to theannoyance oftheirs, till Gods wrathpurfuc than todeath and vndoing. And whereas many proud perfons, and vncleane, and coue- tous,hold vp their heads fIill,and decay not in five, they come not into other mens dangers, but haue many others fallen into their hands:yet let not men think there is a pofhbilityofimpu- nity,becaufe they are not fcourged with the lean rod,hut refer- tied to a greater: for pouerty is oneofthe ea6e ft puni(hmen ts. What though they conic not to inherit the windhere?yet ifthey inherit damnation in the world to come,what gaine they by the change ? what though they be not brought to bee fertiants to men r? yet if they be feruants to fnne, prefently, and (hall re- ceiue thewages of front hereafter, how much is their cafe the better? ta49.4. Verfe.3o Thefruit of the righteem is old a tree ofhfe, andbee that R'micabfeuler is Pifc. THe meaning of theft words is, that a godly man is very plentiful) inbringing forth fruit, and his finite exceeding profitable to them that receive it.Efpec.ailyhis indruaion3 con- folations,prayers,& other fpiritua'll means that he vferh,to con - uert,or confirm the hearts of his brethren.And h-e himfclfalCo is not without the fruittofhis ovne fruit, which is intimated here by pronouncing himwife that winneth foules,thatis,whichi,th defirc and indeauour faithfully and d,fc.re(tly, by Gods owne meancs,accor.ding to his place &calliu either clothdraw men out oftheir Pinnes and i noraace,orelfetaileth offuccef e rher- in,not by his negligence, and want ofloue; but rather by their tlubbornneffc and want ofwill.Andherewith the Prophet doth far_iffic himfelfc,whatfoeuer should be the iffueofhis mìniflery. No faith theLord that fortedme from the tvombete beehis f er- u aw : that Imay 6rinc lavai)againe tohim, thoughPfrael beototga! thered,yet (7la11 1begiorioted in the eyes ofthe Lord andmy G®d/h4tl Fe-rflrengrh.Qn theother fide we dare nottakevpunvs toits -. fliftethe hearts and flares ofal thole which.h4ucbeen occafìons ofanymans cocaucrfion,i fit be not their fruit: nor toextenuate the