the efficacy orneryvnregeneratc mans miniflery, that his do- orine fhould winne none to faluation. It is grauntedwithout queílion,or gainfaying,that hemay prepare before and build vp. after,and we remember not any Cuch flint orreflraint fpoken of, but that hemay alto conuert, efpecially before his life is flained with any finfull behauiour,that eight bring his miniflery into cóntempt,The power ofpreaching ílandeth in the ordinance of God,by the workeofhis fpitir, and not in the perfon ofthe meí- fenger,that loth publilh it. Ofall people,nonedoe to much good as thegodly. LookhowDà ry, farre the tree oflife, which was the bet} inparadile, excelled all the brambles and briars which are the word on the wilde waf}e, fo far loth luch as feare God furtnount the godletfe in goodnes. In the firfl Pfalme,religious men which glue thernfelues to the exerrife ofpiety are compared to trees :that yeeld the troll, and bell et ripen fruit:and linful men whichglue themfclues to the pra`ììíeofvanity arelikned to chaffe,or rather thedl,fl ofchaffe Nun 3,;3. which is good for Nothing. In the fécond ofthe Canticles the godly are relemblcd to the mofi* beautiful) and pleafant lilies Cant la.. which yeelddelight to thole that gather chem;& the wicked to thorties or thiflles which doe annoy thole that meddle with the:n,In other places ofCcripture the Ceruants ofGod ai e c filed flicep,whith for lambe offleece,and fie li,andcue y other way, arecommodious, inComuch that they make the very grourA the better which theyht upon fan the flaues of fin are called by' the names ofWolues and Foxes,and Cuch kindofb.ais,whicfr arc very hurtfull,and beready todo mifchiefe wherfocucr they what reípecithe fruit of the righteous is Co profitable, it will appcare by the proportion it bath with the tree ofii e, whereunto it is compared. Fir fl in regard ofthecaute, it is fyd Reaf MS. T that it groweth by.the ruiner oflife, whole waters feed the roote Reu.z7.,2.74- thereof,and the root fende:th vp thefap,and the fap fendeth out the fruite.And fo the good which a goodman loth, arifeth not from his wit, nor naturali dilpofLion, nor flefhly wifèdomc, but fpringeth from the word,. and Cpirit of GOD inNs heart) Gal.s.a ao : .Sccondly,as touching'the manner thereof it is fail that it is con