continuallybearingwithout flay, or fayling, not oncea yeere, but orce in a moryetb,not in fommer only,but in winteralfo,and euery time new kinds offruit,and not ofone fort alone(as it fat. 1 eth out córnonly withother trees, for in them thefame brntch neuer varieth the kind) nd that rottc thnot nor di oppcthdown ec12.47 tz. with ripenefIe. In like fort doth the (pint ofgrace make Gods children con(lant in well doing,and that allo in performanceof many duties,according tothe variety ofoccalions andoppor- tunities offered. 7heyioynevenue With their pith tit : andtith ver. et, r , 5 6. tueknowledge:andwíthknowledge temperance : andwith temperance patience :andwithpatiencegodlineffe : andwithgedhnrfe brotherly at, 25.3 5.3 6 kindnes :andwith brotherly&indnefe lose. I( theyfee themembers of Chrifl hungry,theygiue themneate;if thirfly,thhygiose them drink;,: ifna4ed,theycloath them : ifthey be flrangers, they ledge them : if theybe fîcke,they virt them:sfthey beinprifan=they comeunto them, Cc. Thirdly,for the effec4,the tree of life was for meat, and the leaues for medicine,andboth for life:and no letfevertue procce. deth from righteous perfons, their lrppes doe feede many : their ou.1o.21. tenguef arewholfome, their inflruhions are as welfpringe oflife, to turne away from t befearesofdeatb.Pro, z 3.14. e r. Admonition for eueryone to ("catch his waits, and to try his fate by this rule. Ifthoube a fruitfull tree, thou art a righteous nlan:ifthoube giuen to thew mercy, thou canfl not bevnfruit. full;ifthy labour be to kill finne, and to helpe mens foules to euerlaGing Iife,thenwho can deny thee tobe truely merciful!? In this cafe though theDiuel come roaring withgrieuous accu- fations;though he would perfwade thee, that thouart an hypo ctite;and they would perfwade others, that thou art an arrogant proude perfon,yet be not difmaid at the matter.Satan faith,that thou beare(f a ditfembling heart,but GODfeeth that thoufluff a fincere life. They impute thy fpeeches, andother bchauiour, topride and vaine.glory : but thyne owne foule knoweth that t hey proceed from loueand vnfained faithfulncffe. And let this be fpoken for thycomfort,that (hall neuer faile thee, that thofe which are treesof life romen,are treesofdelight toGOD him- felfe;and he is nothing lefle pleafedwith them, thanhis people arc