Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

er e.3 ©. E are benefited by them .:.And fo theApofIe faith', they pleafe Cul.r,io God in all things , which are fr itfandtleaetrrbere thereof í i . . dothChriflípcake of his Chur h, Salornons Tongs: My ß(ler,my,:oufe,ls a agardtrn inclofed . 7'hy Cant.4,tt p¡a;stes areas an orchard of l'oriegra,; e; s , withfr'eete flints, as '3;14 Camphire,Spriznard,and Sa f ron,Calatna's, andCznamon , withall trees of Incenfe,Myrrhe,and Aloes,with all thechiefs s`jices.But if thou be fíuttleffe, thou art voidof righteoufnes, and fo defli- tute of Gods fauour,and thine owne fafcty. For vnfruitful trees bathGOD marked out to bee hewn down for firewood . But worfe are they,by farre,and in more dangerous cafe,that bring hSat11. 3: ro foorth too much fruit , but it is of the (.efii, and to the fief ix, works ofpride,works of cruelty, curled blafpherny andíwca- ring,notarious rior,and vnrhriftines ,drunkennes,filthincs,có- tempt ofMagitrates, contehipt of Miniflers , contempt of prcaching,and malice againil all godly Chriflíans. Their vine is Deut,3z3 the vineof Sodom, and of thevines of Gomorah : thesrgrapes are grapesofgall, their defiers b eebitter . Their wine it thepoy(onof Dragons,iand the cruellgall ofafees. Reproofeof them that makeletîeaccoüt of thefe trees of life, 2 thenof a thorny hedge,thenof nettles, then -ofmo(l vnfauory weeds,then of plants that bringfoorth deadlypoilon.They_di- f}ah. no men fo muchas goodmen , & the bettor they are,the worfe they like themjeremp came &offered his fruit to a peo- ple that flood in great need to cate of the treeof life : for they were ready to perifhwith death . But theyprac`lifed to abolifh That fruit whichwas offered fortheir preferuation,and to takea- way hislife,which fought to faue theirs.. For fobath theLord declared their confpiracy : Let vs deuiroy the tree with the rait theio f,' cut' him out ofthe landofthe lauang,t hat hisname ma. be ieretrr.I z; no more in mernory .Which almofl ofall theProphets 1ped bet - ter?Ho'k Much more faniorably was Paul dealt with Andeípe- ciallyChrif lelus,thevery treeoflife,and Lord oflife, & life it felf,whomall the ref+ didbut refembie? His perfect fruit they -trampled ern,& laboured todighim vp by the roor.Arzd fo they dealt ail with his ñieffengers and feruants., not making vle of their conipany,but abhorring it:notdefiring:to be partakers of' p their