ccic. I 5,.9. eAfons. t. Cdp.1I their knowledge ,'andwifdomc, and other graces, but to fup. prefí'cthem. Ile that winneth foules ra wife,&e. It is the note ofa wife man, to thewmercy to mens foules. FoolescannoteaLly findout the malady of fin; foolesfaileofail experienceofgood medicines that may cure a fijful heart;foolcsfeele not the burthenoftheir owneiniquities,and therfore cannot be compaffionate towards -others for theirs . Onlywifdomc doth fhew thedifeafe,and the rcmedy,and mouerh menshearts in pity to helpe them thatare infedcd with it . That which Salomon profetieth to be trueof himfelre;is alfo verified ofeuerygood man in his meafure;The morewife Ecclegrafimes maybemorehetaughtthe people knowltdge. And toconuert it the other way : the more any man teacheth thepeopleknowledge,the motewife he is. Fir({, he performeth an acceptable feruice to God,whichne Poole can euer do. l-Ie is a diligent and profitable husbandman for feeding, weeding, andharuc(lworke.Heis avaliant &skil- ful fouldier to difcomfit Satan his flrongefl enemy ; to win his holds from him,and to reCcue his fpoileand captiues out ofhis hand . Yea not only to let hisprifoners at liberty, but towin a- way the heartsof his owns fouldiers , that they (hall both for. fake him, and let themfelues inbattel againfl him. Secondly,he is veryprouident for his owne good,andprepay. reth a bletled reward for himfelfe, againa the appearanceof Ie- fus Chriif.Andoffuch ttncn,and oft hat flate,fpeaketh thePro- phet Daniel:7'heythat-make mewrrife,Psallfhi ieeuthe drightnes of the firmament : and they that turne many to rishteoufises,,lhall/hire as theflarres,fareuer andever. Incouragement towine mens foules to God, and faluation to mens foules,though we fhould lofe that liking and fauorwhich was wont tobe (hewed to out (clues. What though webetear- med bute fooles for out labour?doth no God cleare vs , & fay that we are wife men, andwe] exercifed ? What thoughwe be cenfur-edfor fillycreatures,that makeour friêds to beour foes? dothnot Godcommend vsforour good prouidence in making him to be out friend ? What though we draw vpon our felucs coritsarpt=difplcafure,and perfccution fromwickedperlons for the