fedofmany : So that contrariwife they ought rather to forgive him , and comfort him, leafi the fame /houldbe fnaiowedvp with over-much heauinef fe. And for corporali punifhment, why maynot theMailer expeói the famebleffina vpoa it for his feruant, and the Magi(Irate for h is fubie& , whichthe Fa- ther bath apromife of, for hisSonne , it being annexed toa Precept in this manner : With-hold not correEtion from the Prouer.23.v.i3. child : if thoufinite himwith theroddehe(hall not dye. Thou (halt finite him with the rodde , and(halt deliver hisfoulefrom bell? Thirdly , howfoeuer theworke of corre&ionbe vnplea -. 3 fart for the prefent , both for him that is driuen togiue it, and to him that is compelled tobeare it, the onedoing that which he thinketh to be tedious, and the other 'fuf Bring that which he feelcth tobepainefull, yet in theend theyThal both findcomfort, iftheyyeeld obedience to the Lord ther- in :for as the agent and fuperiour bathdone the duty ofloue, and (hewed himfelfe faithfull, fo (hall the patient and infer riour inioy and acknowledge thebenefit offucka kindnefc, and (hew himfelfe thankefull. Such an happy fucceffe on both fides Both theProphet Zachary fpeake of, for the re- formingof fallé Prophets, and infilfficient Miniflers, laying. When anyfrailyet prophecy , his Father andMother that be- Zacb.t 3. .3.4 gate him, Pall fayvnto him, thou /haltnot line : fur thoupro- pheeyeft yes in the Lord : andhisFather andhis M'otherthat begatehim,fhall thrsft him thronghwhen heprophecyeth. And in that dàyfhal the Prophets beafhamed every one ofhis vifîon, when he bathprophecyed , neither(hall theyweare a roughgar- ment to deceine. But he]hall fay , Iam no Prophet : I am an husband-man :far man taught me to be an husband-m an from myyouth vp. and one (hall fay vnto him , what are thefe 'rounder in thine handes ? Then (halt he anfwere, thstt was 1 mounded in the houfeofmyfriendes. Infiru Lion to them to whomc is committed the office of VJ Gouernment, that they excr cffe difcipline as wife Phifitions minifler phyficke , when it is needful( : thatwhich is whme, Z