Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

seine, co much as is requifte,ánd.iu fuch manner as may bell helpe theworkingof it, Neuer tocorres but when there is iufl cattle, nor any otherperlons, but fuch as are in fault : for . it is as great an injury to °inílispuniíhment vpon the inno- cent, and fuch as are guiltlefle, asit is an abfiirdity to apply a corrofue,or launciag knife to the found and whole parts of rr,i cr.r7.v.1 . the body. Surely it is not good tocondemne the iu. , nor that Princesfhouldfmite fachh firequity, And as care is to be had that the lull be nót punished, becaufe that were to make a wound, and not toheale oneffo is it not meete that the wic= led fhould be fpared , leas} they perifhby their maladyof finne through want of fo neceflary a medicine : but let a right endbe alwaies propofed , and moderation and iuflice vfed, rather to healehis finnefull hart that dothoffend, then to eafe his wrathfull flomacke that is offended . And let them allo be admonifhed , whole vlcers of vicious behaui- our are to be tented with the rodde ofcorresion, that they take not theoutward application of firipes, or other pu- nifhments to be fufïcient for their curing. The humours that doe feede their fores, doe iflue from their Gules, what- foeuer their faults be, and therefore they mull haueGodly. furrow , and humiliation applyed inwardly vnto them, or elfe all the flrokes that light vpon their bodies, will doe more hurt to conuince them of obflinacy, thenworke any good for their amendment. And fo after man hath done with chaflifements, they prouoke God to beginne with plagues, and curies : and then their bodilypaine which they madenot better vfe of, will be a Foregoer of their fpirituall torment , from vvhich they fhall neuer bee deliuered Happy therefore is he that firiketh his hart with Godly in- internaIl griefe or feare, when God or Man doth finite his . flcfh, with externall afflisions or fcourges : for that 'hon. and momentary fmartand mourning is madea meanes ofhis. retnocation, and foby conlequent of his perpetuali comfort andblefledraefe, FINI S.