the prefent : cloth not God tell vs that we fha11 obtaineglory, and fatrcur,and peace at his hands for cuermore hereafter:Mc godly efleeme vs to be wife;the holy Scrilcures pronouncevs to bewife ; our reward in time will !hew vs to be wife : and fhali the reproachof foolilhmen difcouragevs fromour wifdome? Terror for them that corrupt mens Joules, and labour with all their might tokeepe men fromcornning to God.Ic is a bleffed calling to be a filher for God,asPeter was,and tocatch menwith thenet oftheword : but ofal trades it is thewor fl to filh for Sa- tans turne,and to kill men with thebaites of finne. Therefore is thecafe ofthe diuell the molt miferableof al creatures , becaufe hehath done more rnifchiefe this way then al the refl. And that caufeth the Lord to grieuoufly to threatéthe falfProphets that kept men from repentance : and the fadeAper{Iles that hindred thework of the Gofpel : and E1yrnas,and any that haue fought to peruert mens harts,or behauiour.Ic is notfafe to depraue the Miniflery,to weaken the powerofit.Ic is not fate to intice men toPopery and fuperflition.ltisnotfide to perfwad men topro- phanenetre and neglec ofGodsworfllip, Ifthenaturali Serpent being but abeat' was foplagued for being an inllrument ofSa- tanvnknowingly, and without delireto bring thewoman into fin:what Thai become of themthat apply theirwit, and tongue, andheart,andwhatfoeuer theycan,todoe him feruice herein? Verte 3 r . Behold, the righteous (hall be recawpencedonearth: hopv muchmore thewickedand thelimner. Tile matter whichhe is about to fpeake of, isboth certaine& waighty , and fuch as concerneth eueryman to looke to in regard ofhis owne cafe: and therefore he prefixeth this word, Bebold,to moue alto ferious confederationofthat which istobe faid.And chat is 6rfl touching thegodly,that they mull becor- reded for their faults when they offend,euen infuchmanerand meafure as holdeth come proportion with their offences, though not inequality,for then who fhould be able toabide it? Theword recompence therefore in thisplace is not taken forre- uengement,or punifïlimentproceed ingfrom Gods itadignation P but