Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

,a .1 buta louit2g chaflifemenr,though it be fl:arpe according to th threatningof parents to their children , whom they be far from hatiug,or hurting :I wil furely payyou for this. And that it (hold appeare that nothing is intended again!} them,for theperil! of their euerlafling Elate, there is a limitation annexed,thar it is to be only in Ole earth.Ne et he lheweth the câditionofthe vvic&- ed,that ifthe rightedus fcapenot fcotfree, theymu f{ itnno fort be fpared,btiffeele more he-any & fearful punilhments, though nor in theca! th , yet in the world to come. The bell muaTooke for flripes,ifthey wil take liberty to rune again!! God. True it is that theLord raked) not aduâtage ofin- firrtiitics,hr paileth by thé, hé winketh at them,he f-niteth not hischildren' for thern:but whé'they grow too bolcl,hc vt'il nur- ture & awe themwith correcîion.In this rent-the may be laid to be no refpcter ofperlons, thatas he will not endure the finful. Heine of thewicked, though theybe neuer fo greatefo he wil not allow of-the fins of the godly,though they be 'letter fo good. Thevertues that mcnhauc;doe not warrant them to fall intoa ny vice : their religion and graces doenot priuiledge them to do thofc things which are vnfeernly for religious and gracious- perlons to pradife.Few pointsare more fully confirmed by rna- nifel$ proofes:then this . TheScriptures propofe many exam. ples,dur Bares haue heard tí any re.pottit, our ties,. holdmany prelidents for this purppfeand they that wil not be perfwaded by thcfe;1h11 find it trtiety¿xperit ce in thtmfeli es.. What doleful complaints doth the Church make euery wherein . i8 Zo the LamentationsofJeremy ? Beho14,0 Lord, hotu ¡am tror,bled ' mybmar fipell:mine heart ïsturned`'i phi,i`ame,forlamfullofhea-: siineffe; "the iora's !word' feoilerh abroad, :zi death dash at honice The Lord ti righteoMc, for Ihaiie rebelled)Oigaiwf his corrmande- (4,9;ío xnenit.I}ow lamentablydo thegodly bemone tb.cmfelues, and the (late'oftheChurch',in theprophecyofEí iah ? Be riot ang- ry,O Lord, abotte msafare' , neither remember iniquityfor erser : loe ryebeJ eech í'4e, beheld ,tree are allt bypeople . Thine holy cities lie )rate;"Mori is' a tVllder'nes,and Ierufalema defert .:7he borate ofour fnFl >srie, and o fa:Irglory, whire b tr` fátheri praifedthee, as burnt vi) withfare)indgl tiurlleafrntthin s..ariwa ied.1[I what patlieri- call