ere.3t i'R'LlovERTS. call manner Both the Prophet expref e theburden of his affli- etions,in the booke ofthe Pfalms? Thine arrowes light vp. I'fa1;8,z,3 0Vme,and thine hand hethvponme. There is nothing feund inmy fle;7.,6ecaufc of thine anger: neither is there re (I anmy bones;6ecatele army fìnne. Firfé,God herein refpe6tethhis owneglory, who wil hauehis Reafons people toknow,that he doth look for feruice at their hands. If theyperforme it willingly they Thal not faile tobe rewarded for it:but if they grow careleffe &negligent to obey him,they(hall bedríu veto it by compultion.This was that whichmade both Metes and l remie beflir them ,when God íh»wedhis anger to the one,and threatned to deflroy the other , for being fo back - ward to undertake their tninifiery:E°ao.4,r 4. Ier.1,17. And the wicked Thal fee by this, that he isneither retniffe toward al,nor partial! to any, hen his commandement is not regarded. This feemeth tobe onecaufe, why the Prophet that came toBethel, & failed to fulfil that whichwas given hire incharge, was fo fe. ucrely handled. He told feroboam,thatGodhadaraightly for- hidden him either to eateor to drinke in that city,&yet lerebo- ammight 'ware that hee had both eaten and drunken in the boufe of an other Prophet there,forwhich caule the Lord lent a Lion to kil him,that it might beknowne to Ieroboam ando- thers,how dangerous it wasfor any to dilobey his word. z,Reg,:3 Secoitdly,he refpedeth their good , though it might feerne to be better for them if theywere wholly freed from all manner of troubles and croiles.Howwanton,how froward,how flubborne t wouldchildren be?Into what perils would they call themfelu s,, ifthey fhould bealtogetherexernpted from therod?They could neuer feele the comfort of their parents fauour , vnlef e they foructimes found thefmart of their diíplcalure . And fo are the ftripes and cha(lilements ofGod asneedfull euery way to al his Tonnes and daughters. They make vs the more careful] tobe- ware of cuil : they helpevs to repentancewhen wehaue fallne into cuil:they conf rme the loneof our heauenly father towards Vs;they heoccalìons ofhisholineffe invs : They bring thequiet Yeb.rz,F, fruit oftighteoufnesvnto vs. Finally to knit vp Alin fewwords; is wearetherfòre recompensedwith afflk ions in the eatth,that we fhald not be punìllted with de(}ruaion-in hcl,but rewarded