a r, with euerla(1ingglory inheaven . And tisis theApoNe 1heweth tobe thecauce whyGod fcourgeth vs. Whenweare,sdged,faith Cori r.3z he,n'ee are cbotjrraed ofthe Lord , that tree thotild not be congcrnned with the rv®rld, fe.Y. Admonition toeuery one that fcareth God to lookewell to hisheart and waies,thathe retainethe feareof Godconflantlie, &'not beventurous to do any thing that may offend him. The Lord hateth finne as wel in the godlyas in the wicked, and will fooner (mite thegodly for his fin , then thew icked, though not fogrieuouflie . Anexample hereofwas alreadie fhewne in the prophetflaine as he was going fri3 Bethel.lero6oams tranfgref_ fionswere begun long before thefault thathe cotnmitted,and yct the fl.roke camevpon him for his fault long before the de. f1ruLtion of Ieroboam andhis houle . And let noman fay,! am fafe,bccaufe I amCure to be faued : hemay fall intogreat mifiry in this life thoghhe be in flareof happines for the life to come. Freedome fromperdition doth not free men from al maner of punifhmenrs.. Whatplague betides def}ruetion can Chri(Iians fay,we shall certainlyefcape, vnleile they be lure to efcapefuch finnes as may prouoke God to plague them ? The Magifirate bathmanypuniinments for offéders betidesdeath,as the flock!, thegoale, the whip,thcpillary, &c. andGod bathmore judge- ments betides damnati6,as cuery man mayheareby the threat- nings,and fee by theexecution, & feeleby the burden ofthem. Davidwas as fate from beingcondemned, as Satan is out ofal fal.32. 4.and hope tobe redeemcd,&yethis calamities madehim togroans, .8. and crie,and roare,as he faith. Hisbloud was dried vp,his moy- ílurewas like the draught offommer. His tormentwasas great asifhis bones had beenebroken. And as aman fhould take in. couragement byought that is inhimfelfe,to do that which isdd. pleafing to theLord,fo is therenocare to behad that webe not led by the examplesofother men , to doeany thingwhich the word doth not allow.Some hereby takeltberty for breachofthe Sabbath ,fome for gaming, lome for one thing, Come another. Goodmen,Cay they,vfe thefe things,and why thenmaynot we alfo?But it is nopartoftheir goodneffe, fay wee, and thenwhy Mould you follow them thereinat al ?Theirppraaife leadeth you . o the like fadbutcan itpreferuc you or thêfelus from the re.