Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

rC7jC. 3 i A 3t V V B It is ward thereof?The queflion is not thereforewho they be thar do it,but withwhat warranr,and bowweil theyare like tofpecd for their doing. Consolations in afilitriions, that they difablevsnot from be. Z ing rightcous,though they be compenfationsoffns for which. we are not yet sufficientlyhumbled. We flhal adde to our owne forrowes,and needlefly increafe theweight;ofour burdens, ifwe cendernne our flate, becaufe the Lord correC}eth vs for our faults;ifwe relingi.ulh ourhope of happinetfe in heauen,becaufe weate recompencedwith iudgernents on earth: it is allotted by God to the bell ofhis feruants how to be dealt with. Bow rm chmore,dre. Euery wicked mans (late is worfe then Doti, anygodly mans can be. Take themofl profperousofthem all, cum Cuch as the Prophetfpeaketh of,tbat haste not aknot to their cleath,but the weboftheir life from the wotnbe to the graue, bath run with cuen thrced both in warpe &woofe without any breach,& let him be compared with a Chriflian that neuer faw merry daytouching outward things,and he Thal be found to be a tniferable forlornecaitiffe, in refpec`l of this poore feruant of God.And indeed the tribulations and affliciionsofgood men do not bring them behind the wicked,but Chew that the plagus and puniffiments ofthewicked are yet behind.That reafonour Sauiour vied to the women that lamented him as an vnfortnnat man,and one forsaken of God: Weepe not forme,faith he,but, weepforyoarfelust,andyear children. For ifthefe things be done to Luk.23 24.ái agrene tree, what mi be done to thedrsc?This reafon thePro. phet leremse vfed to Gentilesborderingvpon Iudah, which thought that plagues hadonlybelonged to the Church. Loe,l begin toplague the citie, wheremy name is calledupon , andfoald Iereur. , yougoe free?yee(hall notgee 9asite,for Iwil callforafivord onall theinhabitants oftheearth;fatth the Lordofheates. And this reafon S.Petervfethagainil all impious and fin full perfons:The timeis that lodgement mugbeginat the hoscfe cfGod. Ifit,irff beginat vs,what ¡hallt heend be ofthem that obey not the Ca peal ofGod ? Andifthe rightCMS scarcelybe/timed s where(ball,7à thevngedlyand thelimner appeared Firfl,thefauourand goodrefieof the Lord lothcorrect the Rearsosz. onepartaand that for their greatefl good andhappines t and his wrath