wrath and vengeance doth purfue the other, and that for their greatefl hurt andmiCery. z Secondly,tbe death& Cufferingsof Iefus Chrifl haue drunk vp thevengeance and cuofeofthe affli6Rions of the onepa:t,Co that now there is nothing in them, but that which is medicina- bic and wholefome. AndCoda iudgements,with their owne finfulnes haueput ailing into the troublesof theother, fo that all chat is in them is peffiferous and deadly. Thirdly for the one part,theLordknovvethwhat their fltEgth is,and therefore ßi1 layno more vpon thcrn,then they are well able to beare:and for theother,he knowerh what their waits be, andwill pre(fe themwith as much as they hauedeferued. Fourthly,theone partvndergo temporary tribulatt: ;,cre 4 in earth,and al theirfuffrings evil end with their liter& theother fhall fuffer eternall paines in hell, and all their torments that be- :re;. gin at their death. Inflrue`tion not tobedi lernpered,or difcouraged at their in- fultations ouer vs inour troubles . Theyclap their hands and make a fhout to fee vs ,beaten at our fathers hands , or in the fchooie:let themmocke on;& take their courfe, the officer is at their back to apprehéd thé , we that fee thé fit in theflocks:we (hall fee themgeiued with bolts vpon their heeles : we Ihali Ice them arraigned as malefae`rors :we (hall fee them condemned & executedas traytors againtl the MaieffieofGod.And as diereis nocaule why wee fhould bce troubledat their infolency, Co is there no reafon why we fbouldbemooned at their profperity. We ilhould make our felues more miferable then weare : ifwe fhould likeour owne cafe the worfe , becaufe they deride vs,& we fhould judge them more happy then theybe, ifwee fkiould think their (late the better,,hecau('e they applaud thê(èlues. Let vs in cot-I-paflìon pitty the particulars,& pray for thern,kt ne- uer efkerne theircondition focornfortable,as towifh it tor our felues,orto grudge it to them. And becaufèeour eyes are much dazeledwith external' thews of thingsprefen.t,the holy Ghofl ro.z3.16,ao Both gluevs a caueat to take heed dale fame: Fret not thy jell' becaufeofthe r4litiotu,nelther be entwatu at thewicked. For there ¡ball be none end a f plagaes to the easarßr an : the light ofthe tricked Jhalbepat oat. A N