x r3 AN EXPOSITION OF THE TWELFTH CHAP- TER OF THE PROVERBS. CHAPTER,XII, Verte z.Hethat loueth correelion,loteetb knowledge : 6s: be that hatethcorrer ion,iabrutifh. E that loueth mftru2(ien,) Which dotli ap- ply himfelfe ro feeke ir, by thofe meanes which ire ordainedofGod for his people to be infirueted by,and accepteth &niakcth vieofit,when it isoffered to him, be loueth knowledge,that is, hath it in dueelimation9 á and trucly defireth it, and therefore (hall al- foaccordingly obtaine it. But be that hateth correiien, which refufeth al infiruc ion,but efpecially will not indurc to be repro- ued,or correded,he it brutifb,abeaft in a mansRape, a Poole in a highdegree offolly,both forat'ignorant minde and rude beha- uiour,and wretched condition. Euerymans defireofgrace and faluation, may be tried byhis Dona: Offeaion to the riieanes thereof. He that is diligent in feeking, is willing to find, ishe that fetteth himfelfe tomake fpeedein his way,hath a mind to his iournics end. So the Lord fpeakcth of the godly inoneplace ofIfatab, that they (hall fay : Come, let vs Ifiti.2.3m goev to tbemoamaineof the boufe of theLord' that be majt teach ter. _ __. _