I :4 chap.l2. PROVERS S. v.r hit vtAiet,And roe omy tVa1L in hú pechr. And fo the godly fpeake to the Lord inanother place of.l(aiahalar degre ofourpule is to L6.S.9 thy n4twe;ánd tothe remembrance ofthee,With rsy fou!ehatie Ideft. ed thee in thenight, imdwithmyff irit within puse will Ifeeke theein a/o' worming. r. Fira, the fame (pink that draweth men to liking ofthe one, Both alïowotke a loue oftheother:for both ate wrought by the HolyGhoi&. Secondly, all the ordinances of God for mans faluation are contrary to-fled andblood, and thereforenoman can rakcanie delight in them further then he looketh to the end, and is re- frefhed with comfrtablc ctfc s in.thcway. 3 Thirdly no man can defire theholy knowledgeof God with truth and feruency,vnlef a he hatic hadCome talleof the fruitof it,& hethat_hath tattedofthe fruit,hath prof ted by the mcanes, andhe that bath profited by the meanes,will loue than cucr af- terwards-. T hey that finde thecomfort of lifc,haue formerly fdt thebenifit offood : and they that arc de1rous,to continue their life,are not vnwilling to receive their foode:and they that hun- ger after foode,for the continuance oflife,hau.c altoan appetite to it in regard of the relitl Refutationoftheir boaflings, that goe heforeall in (peaking 'a" oftheir defile and forwardnes,to.pl'eafeGod, and be Clued, and come behindecuery one,in theavinganygoodnotes of ir.They make their mouthes and not their beaus, theprincipall feat of their loue sand likewiletheir words, and not their deedes,theit oncly argumcntsdo proue that they doe loue. it is very burde. nous for them toliueconffantlyvn der afaithfull Miniflcry. 1 uery godly fermon is tedious to them,;,for length, if it bec not endedwithin thehoure :for themanner,if it fauour not of tau- mane wit and elog>>ence;for the matter ifit be wholcfotne,and liuely,and comehome to the rebukingofany fon ,which they pre notminded to forfake..: Andyettheywould háue vs all to know,thar none arcbetter friends then they.to ledge:And yet theymuti One vs teas; againc"to tell theta that cuery friend ofkuoy, ledgeis better affe&ed t henTtheyare, to intl;ruF&ion. Goufol tion to them that thinks it nupines tobepaiafull in labour