er .I.. labouring For the bread ofl ife. They fcele not,thry fay,theloue oFthewordofGod, the defire of faith and care ofrepentàn.ccs, &c.But fromwhence proceedeth that ? is it not hence, that they are,greedy and covetous of getting abundance of lout and de- fire,and therefore they thinkc that which they haue to bee no- thing in comparifonof that which they. would haue. But there men mull be well confuted :their troubles,their attention, their, meditations,their pains,their reading,thcir quc(lions,tfieir con- ferencc, their ioy in Chriflian company, their diligence in all, . good eacrcifcs with willingncs, loth manifcíily flhcw theerror oftheir doubtsand feares.But may not an hypocrite doall there things,and yet haue-no touch in him? But may an hypocrite do all there things in good carnal with rfiflance ofhypocrifiei' may an hypocrite continue an hypocrite, and yet bewaile his want of ftnccrity in thepretenceofGod alone,with pron cif e,and purpofe to performe.cucty fertice more,hncerely, ifpoffiblyby snymneanes he may be able?[t was an.argument wherewithDo- xidconftrmed hisownehart inatfurancc that he truly loued the Lord,andvnfai-ncdly foughthis owne faluation, bccaufc he lo- wed the law ofthe Lord,meditated inhis word,atad kept his pre. ccpts.And lob taketh it for a lure rife&ofhis vprightncs,that he had not departed from the commandements ofGods lips, but el-teemed the words of his mouth more then his, appointed foode. ¡r brt/tifh,&c. They that wil notbefchooledofGod to learne Doi% Chrifliankuowledge,arcno better than if theyhad no manner ofknowledge. They arenot all children that hate this kindeof corre6tion:they are not all naturals : they arenot all ideots,but theyarc all Clarke fooles.Then many baue been books,. andyet learnedPhtlofophers: and many hauebin looks, andyet deep Politicians :and many haue bin fooles,and yet eueryway world- ly wife men. This loth God charge vpon the tnuitirude, the greater number of a whole people : They areanationwide efDe,3z..S. counfell,neîtber if there any vnderflandeniintbcrn. On.' that they werewife; then tber tvould vnderfland .this, t bey would confidertheir latter end. Yea the wittier of them arc foreputedin thepro- phecy of lcremy : peep!, isfinds.94 rbe, hams not known me: leretaa.4,11 6a2 they