OW Y. ,zm,8.g, hcf1.8. ap.i21 theyare foáliJli children,andha:sen®ne vrtd.rlfanding: theyarewife is do ettill,hut todowell they baneno klowledge. /Firll,their carnal wifedume is altogether vnfufficient to make them feruiceable toGod, or any thingwhich theydoe to be ac- ceptablevntohim,and it ffandeth them in noflead for their cre dit,Forthofewhichbevile in his eies, (hall in time be bale in the tight of riser: :and the punifliment of their folly in the end, (hall- make itappear they were fools all the time before. Ofthis point fpeaketh theProphet :Thewifemenare ajhamed, theyare afraide andtakenyloe theyhauereieïled thewordoftheLord, andwhat wife. dome is in them? Secondly,their carnall wifedome can neither preferuc then, from deth,nor prepare them todiebleifedly.lt cannot (lay their life from going,neíther can it flop the curfe from comming. Thirdly it cannot deliuer them from damnation in theworld to come,but rather increafe thegrieuoufnes oftheir punithmét It bath kept políddion againahis holy vnderflanding, it hath made them vncapable ofall good infiruetions:it bathmade thë impatientof anyrebuke:it hath held them in ignoranceanddif obedience all their life, and feewhattheir ignorance will bring them vnto after their owns death : rbeLord lefyra jhal[hew bino- (elfe from heartenwithbis mighty Angels in Tamingfire, roaring vengeance tothi,that know riot God,&whicho beynot theGofpefiof onr LordLelia aril'. Now lay all thefe things together,and fee wherin any man is bettredbyanyknowledge or wifedomwhich is ioyncdwithcontempt ofgrace.Dothhe think to pleafeGod the better?the more is he offended. Doth he hope towin cre- ditby it?it wil bring him to fhame.Would hehauc it tokeep him from troubles?it will drawhim into them.l<-iis death is made the more vncomfortableandbitter, andhiS defl-ru&ion following snuch morehorrible and fearful!. Admonitions to takeheed thatwe conformnot ouropinions to the judgement ofthe world, forr that is direly contrary to the teflitnonyof(.od Carnali reafon, and flurdyaffetions, and vnbrideled tongues fay,that theyarc fooles which will di- geft reproofes and checks,and 1 fferthemfclues tobecenfured, Pout the heaneniywifedorhe andditnne truth! ¿h: fairedfcrip- tunes.