I tures fay,that they are wifewhichharke to the rebukes ofGods holy word : and fookes as bad as bea(is that defpife them. Ob. But menwill laugh at our fimplicity, ifwe fit dowreby fuch jr'- dignities.Ref .But GODwill laughat our miferiesifwe quarrell Prou.i,i withadmonitions and counícls,when he vouchfafeth them vnto vs. Verfea. ,lieu! ruin gettetb f ios0* of tkc Lord:bsat asrranof PVICked imaginationwill he condemns. AGood man,which fetteth his heart todunkofgoodnes,and perfortmeth. thefame in prat`fife, gettethfauouroftheLord, that is,inioyeth the allurance and comforç ofhis louingkindnes in his foule,and the good effects thereofboth in foule andbody, and eueryother way. But A man ofmc&ediw4ginationr,&c. It is thedcfcriptiorr ofa wickedman by a periphrafis, that he is as it weremade ofGnfull thoughts,andpurpofes, and is in themida ofthem. A good man mayfontimeshaueeuill imaginations,asDavid had to deflroy thewhole houle ofNabal,but it was the imagina- tionoftheman,and he wasnot a manoffuch imagimations.Hee ,Il condemne &c. The difpleafure ofGod againl$ him is decla- red by theof e , heewill conuince him, andFinde himguilty,. that is,paffcfentence vpon him,and caufeexecution. to be done accordingly.Thus then ilandeth theoppofition : Agood man ofgodly meditationsgettethfauour oftheLord, who therefore will fauehim;buta-n cal man of wicked imaginations, incur- tech thedifpleafueeofthe Lord, who therefore condemne Amancan no waybe made fo happy as by becing in Gods Deal. fauour .I.fanyother thingwere better then this, it wouldhere lie namcd;forhispurpofe istopromife andperforms tLebel.Good' men do let their wits onwork to find thewaywherby they may moll pleafe him,andhe doth fet his wifedomonwork to frame a recompen'ce that maybeapleafure them. What account Dapidandothers;madt: o: the favor ofCod, is ¡hewed inchums places of thePfalmes,aswhen theybrcakc out fo;