fö'earr eflIy into prayer,and.i edouble their petitit n,?"ternc v4.4. gaincO Lör-d°Cir f bef s:ef thyface :toAint: von i; Rp1dpkt,e fhall bePried ,Thatis,helpe ys out ofoúrcaprir ity : re(lcrevs to theplace and meanes ofthÿworfhip :let vs feele the teflimonies ofthy louciand our (latewill be bletfed andhappy.S° where the farne is acknowledgedwith thankfillnefle. Thy loui kirdkclú better then lfe:therefor: my !r?! f all praife thee. Ncirher is this only i--tli nóny,otfeefrig, o,r.cfli;»ation of Godslaue towards him,but many °therehauemadefuch preciousaecount thereòfas that they indured the lotte ofail their fubflance, and iibertÿ,ánd life it felfe,and that with bitter paines and torment, rather then they c ould do any thingthat Might n;oue,the Lord .11.36.37 tóbc`angry with them, FIt l,in regard ofthe rarenés ofit;it is a flower which growth a(anr I. only inGods own garden.It is a priuiledge and fcced.ornepeco. liar arid properto the childrenolOod :the Lord neuer giueth good countenance toa wickedperfon,his anger is euermore to. .yards finners:lzereas in all earthly thing,s,thevare commoners with vs,and commonly hátic the greaterihare. It is therefore the moreprccious,becaufc it is butfor few, and thole thereby both made and declared to be excelleot,hauing rio vnworthy perfon of their company to difgracc them. Stcondly,in regardofthe c-ontiauariéeofit,it is notwornout by timc,it van ifhethnotawayiit is neue-rtaken from them,vpón whom it is bellowed. Their faults may -ca.uíe it to be hid from themfor:a feafon(as D4Kid felt by wofuil experience,when flee had committed that gricuous (inne ofmurder andadultcry)but loll it cannot be,nor long concealcd;for it will work in them1hß graceofhumiliation, that they may behold it to their ioyand comfort, Thirdly,in regardof tlhore fingular good effect s wherewith it is alwaics accompanied,what is defìreablc here in thisworld,that it will not yceldvnto vs ? And what happinetic is there in the world to come,that it will not aduance vsvnto? Defence faom enemies,and fafety fromdangcrseuerycreature feeketh afrer,and thisdoth Gods goodneffe bring to euery one W5.12. that is godly. ThomLard (fa ithDamid )wilt WkJi thrrightcaso