Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Per.2. PR'© V Ir /OS ¡Indwith fauómr 1141t connpaP kirr,, as 'artt:k-4Areld. Giadiielë of heart cotnfort is that-w'hich euery,much; affeieth,and this'is theloue and fa 'dour of God doth taini(ler to all thcfcthai bepartak{rs of it. And this dotl:Dauidalto pro.. frilè h:mfclfc tohadra experience of,and therfore preferreth the tauing countrnánîre of th:e Lordbcforeall :the commoditiesand . pleaftirès whichWorldly men brunch longafter. iLS'alfgylrnhho, Pill(hewvs any good, bat Lord lift vp the lfght of to, countenance vpgn v.r, 7bou,yagiuer, me swore toyof heart, then they hawhad,; Pdalsr, g. ri hen their txáeat and their ware didabound. It is needlcilè to rec- kon vpother ti,ings,Grhence the fufficiencieofall good thing: is inferred by tilde, othervvife there were not fo much fafet,yç, neither would, there be fo great ioy andslar?ne(;'c, Inflrut`tioo,that our chiefccareacrclindcauour be to pleafe thé jje t. Lord,feeinp that fo great a benefit proceeded) fró it. Euery one of his feru;nts bath great wages in hand,if he had nothing rifé huti,is Ma4?lcrsgoc+d will. It. isfaidOf all others.r}pt 0.1eliiEan. not lineby their faire (Pceches, ar;dgo®dçgun{enat?c,c.; vu; k God looke cheerfully vppon vs,and fPeake comfortably tov5r -tadCure we are thaQwt are in no wants, (J.ur preÇçnrpay, is belt6cr preferment then any mortalicreature cita raire vs vp to,thcuei the were themoli raái$hty.anonate4ßn1hfq4,t10?c.fid s a4t4a frcnáinëti for the time to ccrnc,,Op;eci4lly,,yepmO 4u fomereärëcto thr.pferceöf-our;á,py xO isthe fulneife of ioy ; and at whole right hiid thcrc arc plea- pfalan,ió,a fires for euertnore. EonföiatiO-tòTheiixhat haveo;cc%ue,d vn.cloubted tetip á ïefóf:the+fa'udt+oF d.Blc.f}ldare they refently, wig') ttìc.n rY ; 'drfécri-ic;nat :labav hairpÿ:tley aare.adehyit . :hut Fxe1lrtled ¡I,all allthewbrldhehbldrthenn to beat that.,,, and06- ariousappèitranceofour Lord 'erns The ccn(ìdcratonof the terror that will-6e at:that t:tne, made 4.Paul himfelfe to la- Zcoi. 9 hour, that both in He anddeath he might be acceptable to íir,'ás kricïswïirigt#aàt trio feat; fu,il isthi [fatewhoru he 1lia1l 'nccri be dirplcafcct with :,and thriff happybeyordall :hat iror- tail matísthoüghr can comprehend,to whom he then (hall de sparehis kinc;lticlTe,Bit in the nr:apeunc;fay foal' ct:, yLe na. ligrte+