ßfó P&OvnRzs. ChaptZ ligned andmole ed more then any, &nonehaue fo many ene- mies as they. But whoknowcth whether Gods fauour maynot makemen fauorable to thê?It is laid that when the walesofa Fnä pleale theLord,hcwil make alCo his enemies at peace with him, Prou. 16.7. Or ifthey be implacable, and mightyalfo, yet this is the comfort ofthe faithfull, that God himfelfe will ouerliue them,ind his might will oucrmatch them,& his louingkindncs will 'bee exerciCed dayly, as Dand told that bragging Dag; Pfalm.52,I. t. y The macro fcricked írnaginatians,E c. The Lorddoth not onely proceed againflthc wicked for their vngodly anions, but for fnfull thoughts andpurpofes. But theprofecution of this point we reCeruc for the fa and twentith verfeofthe fifteenth chapter, where it is Paid that the thoughts ofthewicked are abomination to theLord. V'erf.3. Am i cannot be e(lablt(hed by wic%dnes; but the roote oftherightee* cannot bemooed. Sinfulnelic may tcem to fettle a mans turne, but in theend it (hall app are it neuer did him good. For howfoeuer it is an óccaftan ofliftingMany mévp on hic in profperity,yet itgiueth them no furefooting in their Elate, but down theyfall,,and thsti it had beenbetter forthem to haue flood (fill on the ground. Wickedmen ofrer growgreater,and fatier then others,but !heir fetling is not fofafu and firme, as the other part fheweth. The righteous though theybe not Co tall andfpreading vpwards,yet they take roots the *conger downwards : and though their bougfres be fhaken ab'ouc, yet that will not loofenhis hold be- neath.This is the oppofition, The vngodly (hall not beeflabli- fhed bywickednes,but hisroot (hall be pluckedvp;but the righ- teous (hall beeflablithed by godlines, and his root fhailnot be 117otaed, E 1.' : : $ Theyfh ll mifíeof tfieii rev;peeiation, that hope to fuçcour thetnfelrres by finning. :They apply a venerou$plaf cr totheir fore:they drinks firongpoyfon -fir a medicine: and theyprop vp their roofcwith burning firebrands.-But the holyGhoa di- redoh