. yer e. 3 PROVERBS'. 12 recîeth every oneofvs to a courfedireellycontrary to this in the booke of lob : I f iniquitybe in thinehand, put it farceawaysend let tub i z, no tvickedneffc dird in thy tabernacle. Then trulyfbalt then Ift vp thy facewit houtfpot,and(halt beliable, and(halt notfeare. And he doth indent with themwhom he will deliuer from death andmi. Eery, that they fhall confeiTe that their wíckednefl'ccould land them in no (}ead.Ifonefay ,1have finned, andperuerred righteonf net,and it didnot profit me, hewill delis:erhi6fohlefromgeing into the pit,andhie lifefhallfire thelight,Iob.33.27.28. Saul dealt very foollibly, invndermining the foundationof his houle bydifobedience, and the feeking to hold it vp byper- fecuting of David : And Ierodoamdealtnot wifely , who ( when theLord promiled to build him a furehonk , as he built toDa- 1.Reg. it. ceid,if he would keep his f}atutes and commandements : as Daurd did) deuifcdanother tricke to confirme the kingdome tohim- felfeand his polierity, and that was by lettingvp the idolatrous Caluesat Dan and Bethel. Firfl,it is thevery proper effe6of finne toprocure ruine,and ReafoNf 1 tobring men to a downfall . And thereupon theProphet Hofea doth ground his exhortation : 0 J[rael returnevnto theLordthy Cod ¡for thou haftfallneb7 thine iniquity. Hof. 14. 2.As Jae fhould haue faid,Let experience makeyouwife: neuer truf} to finneany more, but feekevnto God : forlooke what fucceffe you finde by your cuill waies now , thefame be Cure ofeuer: noman can fpeed by finch a badmeanes. Secondly, thetiring flanding,`and failing ofeueryman is in Cods ownehand, whoalone fetteth vp,andconfirmeth, and ea- flethdowneat his will . And how then can finne yeeld any liabi- lity to finners, which haue his wrath,and thrcatnings,and oath, andhandagain fi them?It cannot draw kìndncs from him, to af- fill them in fauour. Forcewill be ofno force to compel' to it by fcarea And wifdomc makes it impoffible to intice him to it by craft. Thírdly,ifinenmight haue ef}ablithmcnt bywickednes, ma- ny abfurd and dangerous confequents would follow vpon ir. The curfes ofthe Lawwould bee of finall effe : themoll finfull philters wouldmake their (}ate the fore f{ : and S.,tan thou Id be- R cD111