, p 122 A :J Y. 1;. \. i a clap. 9 y come their bene5içial ieudawl:ale fouies arcmall perucrtecd by Inflruaion,that faralmuch as we may know that we (hal lore our labour in feeking any finfull helpes,that Gods difpleafure wil be increafed,our n;ilery increaled, our guiltineflè increafed, and eucry thing ìncreafed that may increafe our forrow and torment: 4 that therefore henceforth we dccciue our íelues nomorein ex- pec4ing help at that which altogether turncth to our hurt. We would al {land as firm,and as impregnable eallles,butwe rrake a q :.ick land our fondation,& mud walsour {?one work,&Gobble and reedes our (lrcngel timber.It would grow tonlarge volurn if we should relate the ieuerall kindes of fumes where by we haue fought to ferue our owre turnes, as falfe hood in word by lying, falihood in deedby healing,& deceitfulr:etle o1diucrs forts, flat- tery,couetoufneffe, cruelty, hypocnfie, running to t;itches : and whatnot? But manyvolumes are not able to containe the parti- cular fadswhereofwe {landguilty,onlyGods bock , and that of our owne conscience arccapacious enough For them. And there- fore it is time r vs to pul down our owne ruinous building,1ca1 it fal downe vponour heads,andmake vs fal downe to deflru 1i on . For though it be too flight , andas weake as cobweb to be a couer ouer vs,yet it is very heauy,and as weighty as amountains topre&vs vnder it.Let vsCcrioufly conlider,that whatfoeueris offenfiue toGod cannot be delenfine for vs,and that thich doch bring any perill to the Coule, can neuer pofliblybring fafety to Rateor body.Away then from our owne deuifes,from al fielhly & vnlawfull meanesof helpe, and let vs run with (peed tohim that neuer failed to fuccour any that vnfainedly fought help at his hands.And this may be ourincouragement hereunto,ehatwe go not vnfent,nor comevnbidden.l-lis owne wil,hisowne word cal. lcthvon swith many promifes for that purpofe: If thou returns So the Almighty, thou (halt beebuilt vp,and thou (halt pst iniquityfar rono thy tabernacle. The Almightyfhalbe thydefence,and thou¡halt baneplenty of(leer . When others are eaf#downs thou¡halt[ay,1am lofted zip : andGodshall for the bumbleperfonJob 22.23,25.29. Vcrfag.