Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

R : S. 123 Ver le 4. A vertaosue woman' is the creme of her butband t bte$ the that makcthhimafharìed it a rottenneein kid bones, A) ertuotcJ woman, which fearerh God , and loueth her huí- band,and is faithful in her calling, is aerownetoher hatband, the is for his honour and credits nd confequently for his profit and comfort . Bred-bee that :naked) him a(hamed,which either by her lewdnes and rudeneffe,doth bringhim into contempt , or at leaf maketh him to holddowne his head,or bynegligence,pride and waaCulnedde doth weaken his e(fate, andbringethhim to want, the irarottennefeinhisBonet, that is, a torment and corra- Gtie to his heart, as grreuous as the ach ofthe bone ,,or corrupti- on of the marrow, which is morepainful! and incurable then an vicerin thefbeih.Thcantithefis is thus:Avertuous woman is the crowne ofher husband , and fo a great ioy and gladneire tohts heart: but a vicious woman is a Theme to her husband, and asa rottenneffe in his bones. No outwardthing in all-the world is better then a good wife. DO. It is not Co well with a rich man that hathhis houle (bored with aboundanceof wealth, as with apoore man that hath his houle garnifhed with a Chrilbian wife , to that hee be all() a godly man, and a faithful! husband. By this meancs }tee may made con- fpicuous , though his ¡bate and degree were otherwife obfcuret and it is lawful! in this fort fora meant fubie6, without disloyal- ty to his Prince, to weare acrowneofgood reputation andcre- dit . lithe valewand brightnef aofpearles andprecious acmes draw mens eyes to behold them that po¡feffe and weare them, touch more will this rich iewcll, whole price and beautyexcee- deth the bell of them. ForGodhimfelfe who teeth euery fort of them,and euery one ofthem,andknoweth their feuerall worths, andhathmade them all, he fetteth agracious wileat an higher rate then anyofthem, and faith , that herprice isforreabome Car- bunclet. Proq,3 t.1 Firfb,theyare very fcarce and hard to come by;and therefore Reafont, r 'k is Paid, who ¡hail fade a vertuoue woman?Therearerncompa- Prougt,ta ablymorewiues thenGodwill pralle for good wiucs r and more _. ii z maidC