2 u.8.as. 12 maides and widowes then flee will commend .to goodmen to matchwith . As therefore thofe that are graciousare rare, fo are they alio the more remarkable , and ro they more adorne their husbands . If crownes were as commonlyworne as hats,tnen would cfleerneofhats,as much as ofcrownes. Secondly , good wiues togodly men areall of the Lords pro- uiding, he made the match in mercy and fauour , and therefore the more tobe regarded.Hemore irnmediatlydeclared) his loue this,thcn in bcfiowing lands,and linings, orany other goods or fubflance . So faith the Scripture : Herifeand riches are the in- heritance ofthe fathers : but a prudent cafe cemmeth of theLord: prou. t 9.14. Thirdly, man bath more interefl in his wife then he can haue in any other creature . She is appropriated to him with neerefíl bonds ofvnion. She is not fo properlycalled hissas a partofhim, and one fle(h withhim . As the two pactsofman,foule andbody make one perfon; to two perfons , man and woman , makeone matrimonial! bodic . Then how fhould he not take comfort in her graces and gifts, which arc made his owne together with her? Fourthly , thebenefits which avertuous wife dothbring to a worthy husband,arc manifold,and worthy tobe regarded . She will labour to refrefh his heart withcomfort, and topreferue his body in health : (he will be a helper for his family, and prouidcnt for his f}ate , fhewill be tenderofhis credit,and cheerefull to his friends: (hewill eucryway apply her felfc to {hewher loue, and procurehis bell profperity. Thefe we fhall handleparticularlie in the one and thirtith chapter , ifGod permit vs toproceed fo farre . Contrary to the wales of this goodwoman is the behavi- our ofabad wifee,whoworkethboth (home andgriefe to herhuf- band . All her finfultsefre maketh him afhamed , vnletTc bee be 1hameleffe,which is hisgreater fhame . Awicked fonne is a blot tohis father, and a difordcred (truant is no credit to hismaifier, and therefore much more doth an vngodly wife difgrace,and blemifhher yoke-fellow. And as fhe cthburdens v matter on hisbacke, and other mensmouthes, fo fhc oureth forrowes intohii heart by contempt, and wrongs,and P indignities.