Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

R. I . Ç indignities. Oh the calamityof them that arc put to harbour their enemies harlots in theirovine beds and boloms ! Andwhat a miler), is it fora elan, to commit the greatefl part of hisCub- fiance toher that is a privy theefe , whereby tiie hash all before her , to choofe what (bee will to robhimof i And hard is their cafewhole wines arerneerc(pies toknow,and difcouer,andpub- lifh abroad their ferrets, and faults, and infirmities to their great reproach. And what fhall we 1peakeoffuch as are (winilh with drunkcnnetfe ?and ofgaddcrs, and buhe bodies abroad ? which in all contentions are alwaies parties , and whercfocuer they come , they raite contentions ? What comfoi t doe there women minder to their husbands that Ioue peaceand fobriety . As for fuch as arc turbulent in their owne houles , and froward , and re- bellious again(} their head,thcfpirit ofGod telleth vs, what pro- fitable, pleafant, and amiable companions they bc. In thenin- tcenth chapter ofthis bookeit isfayd,that thecontentionsofatvife Prou.r9.13 are like a continual/ dropping. Confiderwhat vexation it is for a man to haue raine falling fats vpon hishead, andbody,elpecially ifthere beno intcrmi(iion that hemaydry himfelfe againc : and molt ofall if it be through the roofeof his houfe to rot his tim- bcr,andCpoile his íluffe, and take away thecomfort ofhis meate and tea: when at bed and boord,andeuery wherc,he Thal beas it were vnderarunninglpout. And elfcwhereheaffirmeth,thatit is better todmeR in corner ofthe houfe top ( that icon a pinnacle vponthi top ofthehoule without) then witha contentionsweman arvide hottre.And yet more in the lame chapter, that it is batter Vcrfc 19. to dwel in thewildernefe amongwild beafis,thenw,th+ i contentiota and angrywoman. InRruetion toCuch asbe vnmarried to haueprincipall relpec`l: jeT. ofvertue and grace in their choice. As for parentage,perfonage, portion,and other things ofltkenature,let thembe regarded, if they wayt vpon religion, andpiety, otherw irefufler themnot to putwiuesvpon you,or rather preff'cforrow,and fhame vponyou, AS many feele to their woe, which onlyTooke tooutward things. 2.To fuchas arc maricd,ifGod bathvouchfafed them that mer- cy to giuz them vertuous women , lct themhod) givehim the R 3 __.._- praifeg