Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

praife,and take the comfort to themfelues,whether they be rich orpoore,ai,d vfe al good vfage and incouragement to fuchgood 3IP/9.31 yoke fellowcs . A Tuff tetlimony and commendations ofthem,& fometimes vnto them , fuflïcient allowance bothof liberty and maintenance, according to their husbands ability, is due vnto them,inequity and iuflice. But whatfoeuer theirability is , they I.3,79, are able to Viewkindneflè , and goodcoun tenance to them , and that mull nctbeewanting. Saint Paul would haue husbands to lone their wines therfore,becaufe they arewiues,and to be bitter to none, much letfè tobe fierce, andchurlifh, and boyllerous to them that aregood. But if they beyoked with thofeofthe other fort,their mifery is agood moriue to fend them to God tolfeeke his helpe,and more to labour to pleafe him themfelues,that hee may make their wiues to be better veto them . For if it be in his hand before mariage to make them godly,and toprepare them for his feruants,it is as much alto in his power toconuert them afterwards:which ifhedo not, yet they lhall haue more ftrength to beate the burden with greater cafe. Reproofcoftheir finne and folly, thatlike nothing leiTe ,nor labour again(} any thing fo much as tohaue their wines to be re- ligious and godly. They morehate piety andgrace, then they loue beauty and wealth, andwould fooner .chute one ofnofub- flance,thcn of great goodneffe . But indeed they arc not driuen to that extremity,it is no difficult matter to many that have great richcs,to be of little fanc4ificat.ion,and therefore they haue their de fires double fatisfied in gettingwealth & wickednes together. Howmany doewedayly fee, that withhold their wiues fromall good meanesofgodlines:that ditfwade them, difcourage them, and fometimes by (bong hand, re(lrainethem from comming to the preaching of Gods holy word ,whereby their foulesmight bee in[lruaed ? Howmany teach their wiues pride,and ftraine themfelucs beyond theirability to maintaine them in gari(hnes? Howmanydo bring their ariues into fuch company,and to filch caerciîes,asinfed their eyes , and cares,and tongues , and heart, and euery fcnfe with lull and wantonneffe ? Is it not righteous ironGod that theft husbands fhould bee plagued with the la- uilhneife0