Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

PP_ VE 3 S. Y',7 uii1Theire, and f<ubbornneffe ; andwhorifhnclTe of the f wiues which haue fo poyfoned their foules aand drawne them tofuch lewd and fiuf'ull behauiour? Verfe.5.7hethoight;ofthe411 are right : dart the cottnfels ofthe trickedaredeceit. GOdlymen arenot altogethervoide ofthoughts,that are not right and allowable : fòmetimesSathancafleth inmatter to turne themout of the right courte : fomettmes their owne fl, fh- wi11 play it part,and flic vp dtfires ofcommodity and praife,and pleaturtsand fuel) like in them : but thefe are as the muddinctid that may be for a time in a good fountains that is troubled : thefe they allownot : thefe they rtfiLl, and iudgetherCelues for , and thereforeGod taketh notice only ofrhern that are good tending to his Ceruice , andglory, their owne faluation , and theben( fit of their brethren. On the otherfide,the sóunfelsofthewicked,that is their (knifes, plots, and purpofes in themfelues (for they arehere rather the worke of the mind theft ofthe tonguc,and oppoCed to the thoughts of the godly ) aredeceit, tendingeither to thecir- cumuention, and wrongingof others, or to the cloakingandhi- dingoftheir owne finfulneffc. The godly differ as much from thewicked in inward"cogitati- Doi, ons and purpofes,as in outward conuerfacion and praaife. At the Hi creation man was made to excell the bruire beafles more by the reafon and giftsofthcfoulc , then by the fafnion & fhape ofthebodie : and at the fecond , a Chrif}ian is made to excell fin- full men more by the holinefTeand workingof the foule,thenby theauions andworkes of thebody. Thiscaufed theApoflleS. Paulcovrge the Ephefians with foearnefi an affeueration and at- teftation, that hereby they fhould cleeretheirregenerationvn- fallible, and putit out of all doubt andqueflion . T'hif 1fay,aad teliftedo the Lord , that yee henceforth wAIk.g notas other Gentiles avalke invanitieoftheir rhind,h4Umrmg theircogitatiosedarkned cc. And Ifaiah commeth to fpeake of fomefpecials, and fhcweth what acontrariety there is betweene their thoughtsandmedita- tions. Theheart, faithh;,ofani1gardwillt'ork$ inipitiebee de- pijetb