1 . ROVERBS. C.ap.Iÿ mifeth ettill ceunfèls to vndoe the Poore with lyingwords : but theli-; berallmanwilddeui fe ofliberal tbings,afsdwill continue hid liberality, Ifa.3 Fire} the one fort are Ied by the word and fpirit of God,and therefore will thinke of fuch thingsas they worke in them, and perfwade themvnto ; theother are led by the flab , andSathan and therforewill thinkeoffuch thingsas they fuggel}. Secondly theheartsof the onearc replenifhed withChriftian loue, and therefore they will meditate how theymay bee} excr. cite it in doinggood:and the other are poffell with felfc-loue,and theywill deuifehow they may ferue their; owne turner though withneuer fomuch hurt and mifchicfe. Thirdly,the treafuresoftheone are inheaven, and therefore their hearts arc there,and their thoughts are taken vpabout hea_ uenly things; and the happineflé dale other is inearth , and fn, and therefore they arealwaies pondringofcarthly and tinncfull matters. Fourthly,the heart and purpofe is the roote from whence the ations fpring and receiue their life, & therforegoodmen could not performe fo many good feruices , and haue them fowell ac- ceptedofGod,and thewicked wouldnot fall into fo many foule finnes,and be fo much hated of him , vnletfe they hadcontrary mindes andaffedions,thegodly holy and righteous,and the wic- ked impious anddeceitfull. Intlru5ion to examine and trie the ¡Tate ofour foules by this rule,let vs confider not onely what we haue done,and howmen conceiue of vs, but with what mindwe haue performed every good duty,and how the LordBoth ef}ecme ofvs . He trieth the reines,hefearcheth the heart,he lookethvpon thepurpofes,and delires. that which no creatureTeethor taketh knowledge of,hc praifeth,and rcwardeth,thatwhich the world admireth and mag. nifeth,he hatethand abhorreth . So our Sauiour told the Phari. e r6..1 y. fes, Tee are theywhich iuff:ßeyour feiNes beforemen : but Godsnow. ethyour hearts :for that which is highly ej/eerned among men,isabbe® ?motionin the(iglu ofGd. a Reproofeof them that turn their hearts loofe,permitring their thoughts to llraggle whitherfocuer they willac their auci