Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

er . R ERBS. arid thinke it fare to fatisfie thenafelues in filthy lulls, in proud imaginations,,in bitter grudgings,and in diucrs idle, vaine, and foolifh conceits. It is accounted by many for a part ofm ris li- berty that thought is free : but they that take that liberty are brought into the mo(+grieuousferuitude, tobecome flaues and bondmen to thofe free thoughts. Now if deceitful) count is conuince men tobeeuill,as the Scripture faith they doe, what can the Papilts fay for themfelues, why they (hould be reputed good? Did euer any kinde of people lay their plots for greater mifchicfes ? Did euerany fecke to ac`ltheir purpofes with grea- ter falfhoodand treachery ? What fidelity is to bee found in their words,ui their prote(lations,in their folemneoathes ?They lay many things; which the purpofe of not doing them is the caufewhy they fay them.Then they pretend themoll obedience when they intend thegrcate(l diCobedience :and looke for force notable difloyalty from them, when theyare ready to fweare to be loyali. 'Jerre 6. The talking oftbetricked is to lie to edite for blood : brit the monthofthe righteous willdeliteer them. Hefewords arenottobevnderflood tomeane all forts of wicked men,but fuch as are malitious : and their fpceches too,offuch as theymaligne,do principally tend to the inCiaring andcatchingofthem,and thatto their deflrutlion,fo far as they can eífec`l it:ifnat by violencevpon their bodies to the takinga- wayoftheir liues,yet byopprefii6otherwifeto the ruine oftheir elate Now the contrary is tobe fofid in the godly,whovie their lips,as much as in them is, to fuccour finch as the wickedlie in Waite for;eithcr as Panlsnephew did,by difcouering theprac`ii- fes again{! them,or being fuitersfor them,or daring their inno cency.And this is fpokenofthcirendeucas ,,& not ofthe cunt, for that is many times otherwife. Lie inaiaite,cfre It is thepropertyofviolentmen to mixetheir y cruelty with craftineffe. Their tongues workeas well as their hands,andtheir heai tes andheads giue dircí` iin to their tongues : and hander, and :torgtzess ri#t.