Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

143 PRÒ'i RB1. c efp.rZ tongues, and hearts, Indheads doe all confpite and combined themfeluesagainfl po ore innocents.Such the Prophet complai nethofin thePralines : He Beth inwaitefieretly, then es a l:on in xo,6,to his dense: be Beth in wait: to[pork the pear: : he dothfposle thepoore when he drareet h him infohis net. He croucheth and.boweth :c :hero fareheapes ofìhe poore dofall by his might. Many dcuiccs deceirfull tongues haue tobring theirpurpofcs topatfe. Sometimesby flattery, or otherwife todraw aduanta e 2.z 24 ges fromhim whom they prahife againfl,according as our Sa -, uior wasfundry times dealt with.Somtimes by incenling,or per. (wadingothers, whole difplcafure and power may workethat which therrrfelues could neuer effea, as Haman did ,& 4rnazi- os7.10, 4h-,and Da ielf,.aduerfaries allo, though in another manner:. Dan.6. Sometimes by taking opportunity o(rthetime whet, it ferueth them,as Doegdid againfi the Priells,when Saul himfelfe . was offendedwith lonatban,for fauoring Daniel. Who can rec- kon all when thereare fo many, and eueryday new inuentions of time? renr Y. Firf +,thedruell is their direaor,& teacheth them whatcourfe to take, and all the world knoweth and feeleth that bee is both fierce and fubtil,being a blody reddragon for cruelty,& hauing fcuenheads for craft. Secondly,tbeir owne f udy and exercife pathmade themex- pert and skilfull in their hellifh trade:and the tall ofbloodbath wade them as hungry as houndsafter it. e Y. Inflruc`tion to auoide as much as we may,both conuerfatiort and conferencewiththem.Qfreceiuing harm,wefiandin great : perill;ofeffectinggoodwe can haue little expeaaraon. Iris no hardmatter for the foxe or lion to make the lambe to fide their. ilines or violence,but it is not-eate for the Iambe to teach the Iion,or foxe,his innocency. But the motet&,&c,;t=is a noteofa good an to hauehis good word ready tohelp them that are oppreífed. Therebe many that refraine from traducing,accufing,and in; trapping their neighbours, which yet-got not farreenough to $hew themleluesmercifull and righteous : thereare many that ,wbll fpeake in the rageof godly own; free from troubles and rrvle{a