yree.It ROWER: S. 145' Moleflat ions,and yet declare not fufficient loue to God andhis people:but hercis loue,here is courage,here is faithfulnes,hereir theymake it appear that theyare not accepters ofperfons,when they apply their wits, and tongues, and countenance in their places,for the defenceofharnnletfe men that are helpleffe.ln this fenfe doth the Holy Ghott call vpon men in the four & twentith Chapter :Definer there tbat aredrarvwe to death :sand wilt not thou Prou z preferue them that are led to 6e fl,aine? . Fir(},they are the members ofour owne body, and therefore Reanfdnt their communion and necrneffe with vs, fhould mouevs to it. Who would not open his lips for a father,or brother,or friend, (as did that faithful! ionathein ) but chiefly for himfelfe ? Who would not doe his bell to {hew the equity of his ownecaufe? Who would not intreat hard to faue his owne head, or hand, or foote,or anyother part of him ? So doe all goodmen that deale in the behalte ofany iu(} and righteous perfon, the cafe is theyr owne. Secondly,they are themembers ofChilli/ who is head to vs, and thereforefïnce hefpared not to fpeake,and futer for vs:fince he prayed,and pleaded,and paled euenhis owne life and naturalt body for our deliuerance, is it much for vs tobellow our words, or to beare a rebuke todeliuer .thole that haue a place in his my, flicall body? Thirdly,it is the way to prouide helpe fromGod, andgood men,againfl our owne troubles,to behelpful! to others in theirs and the contrarybefalleth them that are flack and remitfe in this duty. Fourthly.we doeafterafort make our (clues accefTary to the wrongs and injuries which are offered to the righteous, when theyeither comevpon them byour negligence or fearfulnes. Inftrution for cuery degree tobe diligent and carefull in the Yfe, performanceofthis duty. Art thou a Magitirate r Remember what leffon Salemons mother bellowed vpon him : Open thy numb for thedumbe in the caufe of aft the children ofdeftrts lion. Prou.3x.S. Open thy mouth :iudge righteoa/ly, and hedge the afflicted, and the poore.Art thou a private man, yet thou sail}glue aduice, or re- 1ifie the truth or folicite friends,orat leali thoumaift call vpon S z Gott