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verj.7. dome,dieoluing of doubts, and re(cluing ofobiec i ons with perfpi;uity. Theholy Ghat}; faith heere, that it (hall be fo, and thole that obey him in pratife doe finde it tobe fo, and we may boldly conclude that cuermore it will befo, Verfe 7 Thefeare of theLord is the be inning ofknovlcdge bestfooles def ifeWiledome, and Infirulion. THUS much concerning the title or infcription, now fo!- loweth theTreatife it Cede, which hath two parts, fiat thepreparation to theprouerbiall fentcnces,contayning nia- ny notable exhortations, and arguments , to the itudie and prac'ifeof that wifedome which is contayned in this Booke, la) ed downe in the firf} nine Chapters : fecondly, thepro- uerbiall fayings thennfelues,from the beginningof the tenth, to the end of theBooke. In this prefentverle is propofed theprincipal! propofition and (umme of there nine Chapters, that is , the feare of the Lord, a reverent awe of his Maieflie 5 proceeding from faith, whereby through the feeling of his loue , as well as the weight ofhis difplcafure , wee are afraid tooffend him, true piety andgodlinelre (for it is part for the whole wor(hipof God, whereof it is a principall part, and as it were, the cultos and keeperof the ref} in their duties, al mill being commit. ted where it is wanting) is the beginning, or head ofk orrledge, the foundation and top, theentrance, proceeding, and per- fee<}ion of wifedome. In the latter part of the verfe, he Mec- teth with a fecret obicetion , which might be made in this manner: As much as you praife this wi;edome , who regar- deth it ? is it not delpifedof themot part, and reieded eue- rie le) here ? True (faith he) but what are they that contemne it ?'holes, meaning all wicked men. And therefore it is no natter What account they make ofit,vnklfe they were wirer. .The oppofition then of this fentence í}dndeth thus : The feare of the Lord zs the beginningofknowledge, and wife Men will embrace it : but how excellent fo euer wit and in- flrut$ion is,fooleswill dcfpifc it. rThen