Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

I 3 2 RO VERB S. C áp.12, God for them that be purfued by opprelTors; Confolation to all good patrones of poore diffrefTed mens cauíes,which take toheart their wrongs andburthens, &feeke reliefe and remedy for them. They would not fo faithfully la. boar for righccoufneffe,vnlel%themfèlues were righteous:they could not Thew filch piety to good n-en, vnlefle they loued gooduerfe,and God loud them:för etfec`fuall coml,pflîon and. mercy is neuer found in any that is not vnder mercy.a. To them that haue enemies lying in wait for their bloud; ifthey beinno. cent and godly,the Lore! .will flirre themvpfriends,that will fa- uour their caufe,and Eland in their defence.Some Io6 orotherwi!_ deliuer them,thouh theybe poore and fatherle£fc,& hauenone to helpe them.Or ifthere be none that fauour them at the bench, yet therebe that will obtaine fauour for them from heauen. The praier ofGods people afcendvp to Gods pretence for his helpe: and thofe mouthes preuaile mightily, thatfeeke for redrcffe @f wrongs at his hands.Hered thought that it would be too late for all thefriendswhich Peter hadtominiller helpe vntohimwhen he had clapt him vpin fo fure a prifon. But he remembrednot how fwift the godly be to praier,&how Toone a praier can come to God:and inwhat readines God hath his Angels : and what (peed an Angelcan make tctuccourthem that are in danger,Yet this is not thegreatell comfort of Gods afili&ed feruants, but this,that the Lord Iefus Chrill is infinitely more righteousand mnercifull then any manor all men pofíïbly can be, and he will vndertake their caufe,andeither minifler helpe to their f}ate,or grace to their foules,to bearetheir troubles,till the fitte(} timeof freedome fr6 them.He will prelerue them from (inne &Lathan, which lie inwayt for their eternal dcffruóion. The fpiritofGod is large in one of the Pfalmes, in Petting foorth the tender care which he hath of his people : He (hall del,, er the poore when be crieth the needyalto, and ham that bath nehelpe. Hefhallbemerci- full to the pooreandneedy, and /hall preferare thefouler ofthepoor:. Re (ball redeem theirfoulerfromdeceit andviolence, anddeare Íhal lbwblogi be in hhc ifsht. Pfal.7a. i 2. a.3 . I4, Verz