ver e.7. vale 7. Gadoierthrelreth the meked,and they are' not : &tat the hes f ofthe righteosse (halland,. .á THen the Rateof the vngodly which are not Gods cho- V fen,changeth from profperity to aduerfry, it feldomc flaieth,tili theybe vtterly de(}roied,both themfelues, and they houles; This word, are mot, Ggnifieth a flaughter and killing,as it is fpokenofrhe murderingof the infants by lerod,Mat.2. i$e. Ier.3 I,I S,But here is morevnder(lood,then the lodeofnatural life,and that is,the perdition offoule and body.Andyet not the extinction ofeither:for the foule fhalncuer vanifh.away,nor the body for eucr:they (hall not find fo muchmercy at Gods handg,. Their being (hail not ceafe, but their comfortable and well be- ing.They {hail beeuerlalling,euerlaf } ingly to beare the burden of Godswrath,and toPuffer the vnfufferabíe torment ofdeath, &damnation.But theboufe ofthe righteeru,that is, he, and thole things which appertainvntohim,fhall be preferucd from being ouerthrownc to ruine,. They that wil not keep themfelues from wickednefre,cannot Dei,. keep themfelues from defolationa. Theymay rife,but not Hand: for, vnleltc they fall to repen- tance,they fhall be made to fall to dearu Lion. They maygrow great,but for a final' timc,for they will Toonebe brought tono -- thing. TheProphet thoughttoowet oftheir fateat the fir(},as though they had binin betterca% then anyother men:but heconceived. as hardly of it at theTaft, when he hadPeen their end in the fan- &uary, and deemed them of all to be momiferable. St rely, faith he to the Lord,boas haftfet them in flippery places,& caftofl pfa1:7 :i them dowse into defolation.Howfuddeny are theydeftroied, perriIh- r.i,andhorribly confumed? The Scriptures flowwith teflimonies and Cmilies to declare both the certainty, and fuddenncffe, and grieuoulne(Te oftheir decay; as thewitheringofplants, theput- ting out of lights,thevanity ofdrearnes,thevaniílring of nïoak, and many others to the likepurpofe. 'irf#,they haueall the threatnings ofGod againfl them; and Rsa., r. § 3 ctaery