euery threatning fendethforthmany curies: & cuery curiebrie. Beth many plagues. Secondly,their owne defcrts,which in rcfpehl ofany creature are infinice,doe drawvpon them judgements and ruiferies that are inexplicable. Thirdly,the love and truth ofGod to his ovine feruants, will not permit a perpetual! profperity to his enemies.By thisheper. fwadeth them not to faint in their owne affli&ions, becaufe a re- ward remainethfor:them,and their end wil be peace. By this he 1.37.3x. perfwadeth them not to fret at wicked mens fucceffes, becaufe there remainpunifhments for them,& their end is to be cut off r. Admonition toCnfull men to tender their louemore that pity them and defire that their cafemay bebetter.I fothers trembleat their fall that iscomming,which yet neither feele thepayne nor be in the peril! thereofis it wifcdome forthem to call offal' care ofthemfelues, and onely picke quarrels againft them that feeke their fafety ? When theirwound is incurable theywill with that theyhad better regardedthepla(ler,and the hand that applied it. When the difeale is remedileffe,theywil rue the reiehfon ofthe medicine,and phyfition. When hell (hall haue them in hold, theywill bewaile the refufall of their friendlhip that would haue n 1.46. direfted them to heauen..Itwasgood counfell ofPhílip,andwet followed ofAT4tbJ zisl,when he perfwadedhim tocome,and fee n zo.27. whether Iefus were not the Chrifl. And it was an indulgence of Chri(1 to rhsmas,tohelp his faith in his refurrediô,by the fenfes offight and feelingibut for matters ofpunifhment,and damnati on,it is good togo from them,and not tocomeat them:to heare Gods rcaimony,¬ to fee it fulfilledvpon themfelues:tobe- lecue the truth ofthatwhich isfpoken,andnot to fccle it by their owne experience. Confolation,that finfull men thall notalwaies bemoleflers of thegodly, becaufe they !hall not alwaies be. They 'hall not con. tinually oucrfhadow the faithful!, becaufe they (hall not (land continually. Though their thewbe great now, and terrible to Gods people, yet their change will begreater, and fearefull to themfelues. Fie will fpeedily ouerturne them, and ail their po- .werofhurting flail be takenfrom them. Now theyr rootes arc low