low,their toppcsaloft,and braunches broad, and therebyouer- droppe all that is vnde-r th:.m:then mull their tops conicdowne- androutes rifevp,and all their branches wither. Now they are veirels that ate full ofpower,andwealth,& malice;but then snuff be there a tranfpofition;thebottome rnutl be vpward, and their brimmes mua be downward,and all their fulnefle be flied on the ground likewater. Theground ofthis comfort is neither vainc;- nor weak:for Godhinifelfe dottyurge it as a forcible reafon to cori6rme the hearts ofhis people.Feare thounot(Caithhe)for Iam with thee: be not afraid for 1 am thy God. Behold allthey thatpro:Joke thee jl allbe afhamed and confounded : they/hall bee as nothing, and they that /trine with thee (hall perifh. Thon fhaltleekethem, and (halt not find them;to wit the men of thyfirife,for they [hallbe as no- thing,and the men that war.reagainft thee,as a thing ofnotsght : ICa, 44.1 ¡.12. For the firmenes of the righteous man, and ofhis houfe,fec chapter the tcnth,verle 2.25. Vale.8, Aman¡ball be commended according toUS wifedome: bit thefroward in heart (hall be defiifed. S euery one is more wife & gadly,fo (hat hehaue more true -praifeand honor:Somtimes,andvery often thewicked that commend him,comnlonly the righteous, and alwaies the.Lord himfelfe,but mof of all at the 1afr day,bcfore all men,& Angets as our Sauior tellethvs.in the fine& twentithofMatthew.Con- trariwiCe thefroward inheart, fuch whole heartsreiet all good inflruaions,and graces Thal bedeftifed,and brought to contempt among men in this life, beforeal theworld dead,or bemanifefted at the dayofthe Lord. This is the oppo ition;He that is vpright of heart shall be come mended for his wifedome:but he that is frowardof heart, (hall be defpifed for.his folly. That they are not voideofvprightneffe and wifedome : [hall Doti, not be dePitutc ofpraife and honor. ThoughCome be blind that they cannot difcerneof their vna derPanding arid graces,yet others haue their eie-light, andbe. hoid