Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

bold them.Though Tome be duFrtbe,and will not fpeake of their venues, yet others haue their lippes opened to cornmend them.Though form be malicious to carp at,anddepraue therm, yet othersbe faithful' to giue them their due refiirnony.Ncither is it a thing incident to fore few, as though it belonged onely to principal] na;.n and great pertonages,but to all ofeuery place that are therwith quaiified,both high andlow,both puitfantpo- tenraes,artd.meane bondmen and feruants.There is no eacepti. on,or 'limitation ofdegrees,when it is laid, that then'ifedomeofa 1.8.f. man dothmak his face to Pine. And feruants could not adorne the doc`frine ofGod,ifgrace and godlineifc did not altoadorn, & heattifie them. font I. Fira,God himfelfe tef ifethfor them,andthat is fuf cientFor their commendation : for bee is not allowed that praifeth hitrr- felfe,nor whom the world praifeth, but which is puffed ofthe Lord. 2 Secondly,he hell all mens hearts and tongues inhis hands to make them-to thinke well and fpeake well of thofe whome flee wouldhaue tobe intcredit.Hle appointed that cuffing Salaam ro fpeake for his people,and bletfethem, when he came ofpurpofe to cafe out imprecations agaínf1 them.He compelledSoul with his lippes tocleerc Daaid,and to pronouncehim iuii andhalo. cenr,when hehad his weapons in a readines to pun ifhhim as a -rebel'. Thirdly, their owne amiable and louely behauiour ailureth 3.17. the likingofinen towards them,and obtaineth their good tefli- monies ofthem. T6 wifedome that isfrom abone, this heauenly wifdom which the fpirit ofGod worketh,sw ¡rll pure, thenpeace. able,gentle, eafie tobeintreated, fallcfinercyandgoodfruits, with- out iasdgín ,andwithout hypocrifse. The fight of thefe graces, the very report of them dothWinne mens hearts, anddraw thciraf- ¢edions to thofe that exercife them,and much morewhen they feele the fruitand benefit thereofto them!élues. Now where wifedome is wanting, and folly is flowing; where nieeknefe is a íranger, and frowardnefle acommander, what into be looked for,but reproach and contempt?Arc the pooref CerUants and handnlaides commended on the other lick? then the