Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

rer RO ER the wealthiefl Lordsand Maffers are defpifed on this fide. Doth the Lord praifc all such as be godlywile ? then doth he d ifgrace all thofe thatbe finfully foolifh . Doth hederidemens tcflimo- nics and favours to thofe ? then will he draine and draw them a- way from thofe . Is (oft, andgentle, and merciful' behauíour a meanes to procure the good tvill ofmen ; then fowre,andchar liíla,andcruelldemeanour, will prouoke their o enceand dif- plealure.Gencrally,that whichGod fpake cócerraing Elves houle, hoideth true to all ofboth forts : 'Them tbat honour me) will honor, i.Satsi.a.. and they that deftifeme, f allbe defpifed. Reproofe of them that loue nothing fo much as praife : for fe I. they are as delrousof it as Pharilies ; and yet nothing le&Te then wifdomc, nor praife any thing fo much as folly. Doc they thinke that the dunghill ofwickednefffe is a fit minetodigge ho- nour andcredit out of ?Doe they thinke that the puddle water ofpride,and wanconnes,and vanity,will make them beautiful to theeyes ofmcn ofunder(}anding : Doethey thinkcthat the filth conamingout ofche linkeof-quaffing, and gaming, and foveak ring,and finfull exercifes,wil fendout a Tweet fauour ofreuerend cairnation ? Nay their kind friend follyhath much abufed them, andyet for her fake they wii hill illude thcmfelues allo. Good men pity them,and bad men deride them, the tonguesofmoa defpile thcnr,the heartsofall condemne them. Confolation to them vponwhom theLord bath multiplyed the guifts of Chriflian knowledge and wifdomc . Though all countenance fhould fecketo difcountcnance than : though all wits fhould fet thetnlelues on worke to invent their disgrace: though all tongues fhould befharpned to cut downe their credit: though all the vngodly Oratours in the world fhould be turned into one Tertullrte againfl them,yet they (hold nothing preuailer thepraife that God putteth on,they cannot pluckoff : theymay as well flay theoars and planets from fhining, as takeaway the b.rnghtncf a ofgraceand wifdome. yule