ER A ?.IZ Verf.9. Fie that is deipifed, andis bis cone[allot, is better then be that bo4leth himfelfe,and lacketb bread, Ethat is dli,ted,that is of rneane cflate, for which the Too- lifh proud worldlings commonly haue men in contempt, and rs his owne f ruant,that is, indufl lions and diligent bylabour to prouide himfelfeofthings that be needful], ( and foeuer they may truly be called their ovvneferuants, that are faithfull inano- tILC mans feruice) is better then he that beatetbhinmfelfe,that is, which LIandeth vpon his reputation,andyet lackerh bread, bath tittle or nothing ro maintaine hitnfelfewithal' :for bread is put here for all mannerof necelfaryprouiCion. Theydealewith bet} difcretion that yeeld themfelues to a low five whenGoòcalleth them-to it. Iris the propertyoffooles either to rage at pouerry when it commcthvpon them,or tobragagain el it,or to fal downe vndevr it:whereas wife menwill beare it with patience,and floope to it its humility, and yet refill it withgreatdiligence'. It was a grace that the Scripture cdrmendeth in Jacob, that notwithf}anding thehonour andworthinelte of his father /pack, and grandfather A6rahar»,yet when he could no longerbe in fafety from his bro. they Efasr,inhis fathers houfe,he betooke himfelfe to bean hire, ling to his vncle La6an in another country . Itwas a vertue very eminent in Mofe.r,that being trainedYp inhisyouth like a Prince in the Court ofa great King,he coulddebafehimfrlfe in his mid- dle age to bea fhepheard toa ffaanger=of farre inferiour place& degree . And it was the praifeofNaomithat when The was a rich h;ta1v. wife and full,the could thankfplly vfeher wealthand fulncffe:bur when thewas grown tobe apoorewiddow and empty,thewould rake flareno longer vponher,but laiddowne all titles, to herve- ryname whereby thewas called. FirfI,it teflifieth the lowlinefleofamans heart,tofubmithim.: Mfg t' íelle to Gods hand,whenhe candebate himfelfe,ashe hathde- batedhim ; & the contrary arguethpride and (lubbornnes,wher they will Lland higher thenhewillhauc them, Sccondlyy.