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y-er e.9, ROV E IU B S. 139 Secondly,they may comfortably repaireto GodForf.3ppl:c their wants and blefling,when they feriae his prouidence , &díf- daine not to be fcruiceahle in a caì , whereas the others refu- ting to yeeld obc4iience to him , can haue finals hope 4, beae. cepred of hire. Thirdly , they that applie ttemfelues to labour for their li. wings , doe Cate their owne bread , and are profitable to others; whereas thole (lately idle perlons arc driuen to put their fcetvn. ,der other mens tables, and their hands into other mens difhes, and to be butd.enous by borrowing and Ihifting, wherefoeuer they come. Fourthly, they that are their owne feruants, take thewafe to better their flate,and to be Alaf}ers of others,as Iacobs example, sand daily experience Iheweth , and is promifed as a reward in the 14.ofthis Chapter . But thole of anhigh minde which dcctnea low port,andall painefull meanesofmaintenance,too arcane for men of their worth; are decliningand ebbing, and likelie to de. cay more and more, till they come to the bottomeofwant and penury. Reproofe, firul of them that diflemble their e(ate,pretending lie t. great riches , when they are prellcdwithgri euous pouertie : and defiring tobe elleemedwealthy, when they know themfelues ro be needy.. This extremityon the one fide, and the contrary on the other,the holy Ghoul dothcenfure in the chapter following: Prou,r3.I Vert is that maketh himfelfe rich , mtei hath nothing: Qnd that ma.. &eth hirifelfepoore,harsinggreat riche;. Secondly,of fuch as being funken in necetlity , and all men Cee them flicking fall in miCery, doe yet face out the matter and take as much vpon them as if they were of great place and ability, Come in regard ofparcn- tage; tomeofformer fubllance,nowwalled and confumed:fome ofofFices that haue born in timeof their profperitv:Corneofper- fonages that theyhaue ferucd,or towhom they preí tly belong: and Come oftrim apparel only,and that is allo yet vnpaied for. Inflrucion, that cueryman fhould deale according toequity and iu(lice, in 'gluing the more allowanceand countenance ro :them that areworthierperfons . Sure it is that the Lord dotti not Ti z miflake