Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

t® ROVERBS. C ap.12. $nil}ake when he himfelfe affigneth to men their places,and tea. cethvs whom to let bet ore as the better,and whom to put after as the infer iour . Now lithence hecloth preferre thepoore, difpi. fed, induflrious,!aborious ,and giuethhis voice for their prece- dency : why fhouldwe giuc titlesto ruffians, and royflers, and idle companions,that haue nothing in them ofgrace and good- netfe,of knowledgeor learning,of Art or skilfulnel1e , of wealth or lubfance,nor the moll of birch or parentage, why fhouldwe make thefe fuperiours to the others ? why fhouldwe make our Flues guiltyoftheir pride, by feeding their vaine humours,and acceífary to their prefurnption, in confenting to their arrogant afpirings ? It is well done to defraud thole of their right whom Godapprouethofand conimendeth,and fo to difcourage them in their good waits, and toyeeld more then right to themwhom he reprooueth andvilifirth:,and fo to animate them in their e- uill? Verle "fyighteoto man regarolcik the life of hùkiii726iit the mercies ofatewickedare crrstll, H E purpofe anddrift of thcle words tendetb to this, that euerygodly and righteous man is allo merciful! :and that nowicked perfon can po(lïibly haueany true pinyor compatriote, in him !fl righteousman,eueryone that fear(thGod and is faith- full, regarded; the life ofhisbeaft,his lone and kindnelfe and good . dealing is fo plentilull to men, and efpecially thofe whichde- pend vponhim, and be of his charge, and at his finding,that it fioweth ouer alto to the cattell,andcreatures which heowethor vfeth,or isput in truíI tolooketo, or bathopportunityoffered to preferue fromhurt or perifhing . But themercies of the wicked, thole arions and waies ofeheirs whichcarry the fairefl fhew and colour of mercy,arecruel!, haue cruelty mixed therewith,eithcr: in purpofeor manneror suent mining thereupon. sai t Mercy is to be (hewed not onely tomen , but ro thcvnrealo- lnablecreatures alto , As all creatures doe talleof,and lineby the aboundant liberality and bountifulnefeofGods hand,fo would he