Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Vcre.I0. ROVERBS: 141 he haue them to feel. by fel;fe,though they cannot dilcerne it by reafon, that there is,alfo care for them& compafilon in his chil4 dren.Why did he forbid tokill the dammewhen theyhad takers away her yongones but that he would haue it knownc,that he alloweth not cruelty and wrong tobe offered fo much as to the filliea birds ?The re1}raiiìt that was ofcatingofbloud,when the beaf(s were dead,declared that he would not haue tyranny exer- Leu'u'I7 cured on themwhiles they arealine, firfl;let vs confider that Godhath made them all,andhis they Reafonj are,and he is good vnto them, and prouident for their preferua. tion,as the Prophet faith , ThouLord,defaros bothmare and bead. Pfal.36.6 And therefore we fhall Loth fhewour felues vnlikc to him , and hurtful! tohis,ifweoffer abufc and wrongvnto them. Secondly , hepath lent them tovs for our help and feruice,and by their trauaile arcwe eafed , or by their flefh,or fleece,or milk, or increafe,or forceother profit made ofthê arewe relieued,be- fides thedelight that manyof them tninif#cr tovs and therefore howvnthankful fliould webe to him that committeth hisgoods to our hands,how vniult to them thatare fo feruiceable tovs,if we be not careful that they hauegoodvfage? Thirdly , ifwe vfe our felues in confcience and companion to Tooke well to ourbeats, wecannotbut deale more mercifullic with men,but ifwe accuflame our feines, to be eruell to them,. we (hall in time grow to be fierce and violent towards our brc thren, Inf}ruaion,that we fhould not onely exercife goodhusban. yfe,L, drie in keepingour cattell well, that they may doevs the more worke,or carry vs the better orhue the longer, or be more fat ca- ble, but alto to prac'ife the duety of righteoufnefle in obeying God herein . That is certaine that many wicked men regard the liues oftheir beafisand prouide plentyoffood for theni,yet not in merciebut in couetoufneffe , not in loue to the creature, or him that made it; but in delireof their owne gaine and lucre: for they refpè9 their hones, fhecpe, andaxen,morethen their neighbours (}ate or their owne faluation ; but there are not the -righteous menwhich areherecommended : a prcfident andex- 3. "pale