2 ample offaithful' regard ofhis beafi, is to be found in the feruant ofAbralham,in his journey to Nabors City, inAram Neharaim, whowhen hewas come to the place , whither he was Cent,tooke D.24.310 order firfl that the Carrels fhouldbe vnfadled, and mcated,and haue litter put vnto them, and then dealt in thebu6neile wherein lee was imploycd, and after diefe things tooke his owne re- fedion. Reproofe of thole that requite cuill for good to thepoore beafls that trauell for thern,and finder them, whom they deale as hardlywith , as if they were rather noyfome andhurtful vnto them.Many waies theyoppreife theni,aswithburdens too heauy, with flripes too many , withfpurring toooften, with pace too fwift,with iourneycs too long,withmeate too little,wirh dreaiing too flender&c.The Lord hath enioyned themperpetual Glence, neuerto complains of thefe things , though they groan vnder thcm,otherwife if they had libertyof,fpeech and reafon to lay o- pen their grieuances, the wrongs which they fuaaine wouldap. peareto be great,and many. And yet in an other fort,rnore ex- tremity then this is vied again({other forts of creatures,and that is when men makea (port ofmaking rhern mifeeable;when it is a pleafureto put them to paine:when it is a palhme to behold their tormentand tearing. Thisproceedeth not ola tender heart: this is notthe worke ofrighteoufnefle: this delight wil lcaue no com- fortbehind it. Haue our fumes in Adambrought filch calamities vpon them, and flail weadde vnto them bycruelty in our owne perfonh?Have ourcorruptions bin a.caufeofthat 6erceneffe that is in manyof them one again(' another, and (hall we folace our feluesin feting them execute it God forbid,Ifwe do,it may iu1i ly returncvponourfelues,their teeth, or hornes,orpawesaífaul- ting vs,orelfe Gods ownehand by fomeother means,reuenging their;wronges, Brat the mercies, &c. All the fauours that finful men fliew,doc .commonly tend to Come hurt. The Lord dothoften vfe thewicked as inf{ruments ofgood vnto his children; but though they do theworke, yet he fheweth the mercy : their hands and tongues are not fo much dire&cd ,ay tlicir owne loue andkindnclfe, as byhispurpofe and proui- dcnc